Add-Cluster Shared Volume

Makes a volume available in Cluster Shared Volumes in a failover cluster.


   [[-Name] <StringCollection>]
   [-InputObject <PSObject>]
   [-Cluster <String>]


The Add-ClusterSharedVolume cmdlet makes a volume available in the Cluster Shared Volumes in a failover cluster. The Cluster Shared Volume must be chosen from the disks in Available Storage (that is, disks that have been added to the cluster but not assigned to a specific use in the cluster).


Example 1

PS C:\> Add-ClusterSharedVolume -Name "Cluster Disk 4"
Name                       State                      Node 
----                       -----                      ---- 
Cluster Disk 4             Online                     node2

This example adds Cluster Disk 4 to the Cluster Shared Volumes on the local cluster.

Optional Parameters


Specifies the name of the cluster on which to run this cmdlet. If the input for this parameter is . or it is omitted, then the cmdlet runs on the local cluster.

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies the cluster disk resource to be added to the Cluster Shared Volumes.

Type: PSObject
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies the name of the cluster disk resource to add.

Type: StringCollection
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False



