
Gets information about one or more failover clusters in a given domain.


   [[-Name] <String>]
   [-Domain <String>]


The Get-Cluster cmdlet gets information about one or more failover clusters in a given domain.

This cmdlet can obtain a variety of configuration and state information about a failover cluster, including the following items:

-- State information about whether a backup is in progress.

-- State information about whether the cluster is in a forced quorum state.

-- Cross-network settings that are especially relevant for multi-site clusters.

To set a common property for the cluster, use this cmdlet to get the cluster object and then set the appropriate property on that cluster object directly.


Example 1

PS C:\> Get-Cluster | Format-List -Property *
Domain                                  : 
Name                                    : cluster1 
AddEvictDelay                           : 60 
BackupInProgress                        : 0 
ClusSvcHangTimeout                      : 60 
ClusSvcRegroupOpeningTimeout            : 5 
ClusSvcRegroupPruningTimeout            : 5 
ClusSvcRegroupStageTimeout              : 5 
ClusSvcRegroupTickInMilliseconds        : 300 
ClusterGroupWaitDelay                   : 120 
MinimumNeverPreemptPriority             : 3000 
MinimumPreemptorPriority                : 1 
ClusterEnforcedAntiAffinity             : 0 
ClusterLogLevel                         : 3 
ClusterLogSize                          : 300 
CrossSubnetDelay                        : 1000 
CrossSubnetThreshold                    : 5 
DefaultNetworkRole                      : 2 
Description                             : 
FixQuorum                               : 0 
HangRecoveryAction                      : 3 
IgnorePersistentStateOnStartup          : 0 
LogResourceControls                     : 0 
PlumbAllCrossSubnetRoutes               : 0 
PreventQuorum                           : 0 
QuorumArbitrationTimeMax                : 20 
RequestReplyTimeout                     : 60 
RootMemoryReserved                      : 4294967295 
RouteHistoryLength                      : 0 
SameSubnetDelay                         : 1000 
SameSubnetThreshold                     : 5 
SecurityLevel                           : 1 
SharedVolumeCompatibleFilters           : {} 
SharedVolumeIncompatibleFilters         : {} 
SharedVolumesRoot                       : C:\ClusterStorage 
SharedVolumeSecurityDescriptor          : {1, 0, 4, 128...} 
ShutdownTimeoutInMinutes                : 20 
UseNetftForSharedVolumes                : 1 
UseClientAccessNetworksForSharedVolumes : 0 
SharedVolumeBlockCacheSizeInMB          : 0 
WitnessDatabaseWriteTimeout             : 300 
WitnessRestartInterval                  : 15 
EnableSharedVolumes                     : Enabled 
DynamicQuorum                           : 1 
Id                                      : af5881ef-0ff7-4b5c-bfed-098decbbf762

This example displays state and property information for the local cluster in the form of a list.

Example 2

PS C:\> Get-Cluster -Name cluster1

This example gets information about a cluster named cluster1.

Example 3

PS C:\> Get-Cluster -Domain

This example gets information about each of the clusters in the domain.

Example 4

PS C:\> Get-Cluster | ForEach-Object -Process {$_.CrossSubnetDelay = 1500}

This example sets the common property called CrossSubnetDelay for the local cluster to 1500.

Example 5

PS C:\> (Get-Cluster).DynamicQuorum = 1

This example enables the Dynamic Quorum feature for the cluster.

Optional Parameters


Specifies the name of the domain in which to enumerate clusters.

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies the name of the cluster to get.

Type: String
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

