Import-Hw Cert Test Collection From Xml

Imports a test collection from an .xml file.


      [-LiteralPath] <String>


The Import-HwCertTestCollectionFromXml cmdlet imports a test collection from an .xml file. For more information, see Windows Hardware Certification Kit downloads in the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Library.

After you import a test collection, you can filter it by using TestCollectionRecord properties, and then use the Export-HwCertTestCollectionToXml cmdlet to export the filtered test collection.


Example 1: Filter a test collection

PS C:\> Import-HwCertTestCollectionFromXml -Input "C:\Temp\All.xml" | Where-Object { $_.ContentLevelSet.Contains("Basic") }

This command imports a test collection, and then finds the results that belong to a specified content level. The command imports a test collection named All.xml, as a TestCollectionRecord object, and then passes that object to the Where-Object cmdlet by using the pipeline operator. The Where-Object cmdlet filters the imported object for results that belong to the Basic content level. For more information, type Get-Help Where-Object .

Example 2: Filter a test collection and export the results to a new test collection

PS C:\> Import-HwCertTestCollectionFromXml -Input "C:\Temp\All.xml" | Where-Object { $_.ContentLevelSet.Contains("Basic") } | Export-HwCertTestCollectionToXml -Output "C:\Temp\Basic.xml"

This command imports a test collection, finds the results that belong to a specified content level, and exports a new test collection .xml file that contains only those results. The command imports a test collection named All.xml, as a TestCollectionRecord object, and then passes that object to the Where-Object cmdlet by using the pipeline operator. The Where-Object cmdlet filters the imported object for results that belong to the Basic content level. For more information, type Get-Help Where-Object . The command then passes those items to the Export-HwCertTestCollectionToXml cmdlet, which exports the test collection to the file named Basic.xml.

Required Parameters


Specifies a full path. This is the file path to the test collection .xml file.

Type: String
Aliases: XML, Input, Path
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False