Get-Hgs Attestation Host Group

Gets attestation policies based on host groups.


   [-Name <String>]


The Get-HgsAttestationHostGroup cmdlet gets attestation policies that are based on the configuration of Active Directory host groups. To obtain a particular host group policy, specify it by name.


Example 1: Get policies for all host groups

PS C:\> Get-HgsAttestationHostGroup

This command gets policies for all host groups configured with the Attestation service.

Example 2: Get a specific policy for a host group

PS C:\> Get-HgsAttestationHostGroup -Name "TrustedADHostGroup14"

This command gets the policy for the host group named TrustedADHostGroup14.

Optional Parameters


Specifies the friendly name of the host group for which this cmdlet gets the policy.

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False



This cmdlet returns a StringCollection object.