Get-Hgs Key Protection Attestation Signer Certificate

Gets the attestation signer certificates that the Key Protection Service trusts.


   [-Thumbprint <String>]


The Get-HgsKeyProtectionAttestationSignerCertificate cmdlet gets the attestation signer certificates that the Key Protection Service trusts


Example 1: Get all attestation certificates

PS C:\> Get-HgsKeyProtectionAttestationSignerCertificate

This command gets all the attestation certificates signers that the Key Protection Service trusts.

Example 2: Get a single attestation certificate

PS C:\> Get-HgsKeyProtectionAttestationSignerCertificate -Thumbprint "d39203a3b3544743ad552afe0615dc1f"

This command gets a single attestation certificate signer that the Key Protection Service trusts. The command looks up the certificate signer by using a thumbprint.

Optional Parameters


Specifies the thumbprint of the attestation signer certificate to get. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, this cmdlet gets all the attestation signer certificates for trusted attestation servers.

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False



You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet.



This cmdlet returns an AttestationCertificate object that represents an attestation signer certificate. The object contains the following fields:

  • Certificate. The X509Certificate2 object.
  • AttestationCertificatePolicy. The policy that describes further limitations on which health certificates signed by this signer certificate are trusted by the Key Protection Service.