
This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all IIS Administration specific cmdlets. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.


Clear-IISCentral Cert Provider

Removes configuration information from the IIS central certificate store.

Clear-IISConfig Collection

Clears an IIS configuration collection.

Disable-IISCentral Cert Provider

Disables the IIS central certificate store.

Disable-IISShared Config

Disables IIS shared configuration.

Enable-IISCentral Cert Provider

Enables the IIS central certificate store.

Enable-IISShared Config

Enables shared configuration.


Exports the IIS configuration and machine keys.

Get-IISApp Pool

Gets configuration information for an IIS Application Pool.

Get-IISCentral Cert Provider

Gets information about the IIS central certificate store.

Get-IISConfig Attribute Value

Gets a configuration attribute value from an IIS configuration section or configuration element attribute.

Get-IISConfig Collection

Gets a configuration collection object from an IIS configuration section or a configuration element.

Get-IISConfig Collection Element

Gets a configuration element object from an IIS configuration collection.

Get-IISConfig Element

Gets a configuration element object from an IIS configuration section or a configuration element.

Get-IISConfig Section

Gets a configuration section object to work further with the IIS Configuration Store.

Get-IISServer Manager

Gets the IISAdministration view of IIS ServerManager.

Get-IISShared Config

Gets IIS shared configuration status.


Gets configuration information for an IIS website.

Get-IISSite Binding

Gets configuration information for an IIS Website binding.

New-IISConfig Collection Element

Creates a new configuration element object in an IIS configuration collection.


Creates an IIS website.

New-IISSite Binding

Creates an IIS website binding.

Remove-IISConfig Attribute

Removes a configuration attribute from an IIS configuration section or configuration element attribute.

Remove-IISConfig Collection Element

Removes a configuration element object from an IIS configuration collection.

Remove-IISConfig Element

Removes a specified configuration element.


Removes a website from an IIS server.

Remove-IISSite Binding

Removes a website binding from a website.

Reset-IISServer Manager

Resets the IISAdministration view of the IIS ServerManager.

Set-IISCentral Cert Provider

Sets property values for the IIS central certificate store.

Set-IISCentral Cert Provider Credential

Modifies the user account credentials for the IIS certificate store.

Set-IISConfig Attribute Value

Sets a configuration attribute value for an IIS configuration section or configuration element attribute.

Start-IISCommit Delay

Instructs the IIS configuration system to delay the commitment of changes.


Starts an existing site on the IIS server.

Stop-IISCommit Delay

Instructs the IIS configuration system to resume the commitment of changes.


Stops an IIS website.