Set-Win Accept Language From Language List Opt Out

Sets the HTTP Accept Language from the Language List opt-out setting for the current user account.


   [-OptOut] <Boolean>


The Set-WinAcceptLanguageFromLanguageListOptOut cmdlet sets the HTTP Accept Language from the Language List opt-out setting for the current user account. By default, the HTTP Accept Language List is automatically generated from language list of the current user account. You can use this cmdlet to set the HTTP Accept Language from Language List opt-out value. When set to $True, this setting deletes the current content of the HTTP Accept Language registry key and prevents changes to the language list from reestablishing the key. When set to $False, this setting reestablishes the HTTP Accept Language List based on the language list for the current user account.


Example 1: Update the registry key

PS C:\> Set-WinAcceptLanguageFromLanguageListOptOut -OptOut $True

This cmdlet deletes the current content of the HTTP Accept Language registry key and blocks updates to the key based on changes to the language list of the user.

Required Parameters


Specifies the opt-out value.

Type: Boolean
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False