Set-Win Home Location

Sets the home location setting for the current user account.


   [-GeoId] <Int32>


The Set-WinHomeLocation cmdlet sets the value of the user GeoID object. The Windows GeoID setting is a user setting that describes the home location of the current user account. A home location is the country or region. Applications that require the home location of the current user account, such as a driver for a television tuner application, can use this setting.

For a table of GeoIDs, see Table of Geographical Locations .


Example 1: Set the home location

PS C:\> Set-WinHomeLocation -GeoId 0xF4

This command sets the home location for the current user account to 0xF4 (hex) (United States).

Required Parameters


Specifies a GeoID setting.

Type: Int32
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False