Set-Win System Locale

Sets the system locale for the current computer.


   [-SystemLocale] <CultureInfo>


The Set-WinSystemLocale cmdlet sets the system locale for the current computer. The System-locale setting determines which code pages, which include ANSI, DOS, and Macintosh, the computer uses by default. If you change the System-locale setting, the necessary bitmap font files are installed to support legacy applications in the selected language.

This is a system setting. It can only be changed by a user who has Administrator permissions. Changes take effect after the computer is restarted.


Example 1: Set the system locale

PS C:\> Set-WinSystemLocale -SystemLocale ja-JP

This command sets the system locale to Japanese (Japan).

Required Parameters


Specifies a system locale.

Type: CultureInfo
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False



An object that contains a BCP-47 tag to specify the system locale for the current computer. For more information about the CultureInfo object, see CultureInfo Class .