Set-Msmq Queue ManagerACL

Modifies the access rights of a queue manager.


   -UserName <String[]>
   [-Allow <QueueManagerAccessRights>]
   [-Deny <QueueManagerAccessRights>]
   [-Remove <QueueManagerAccessRights>]


The Set-MsmqQueueManagerACL cmdlet modifies the access rights of the local queue manager. This cmdlet returns the updated MsmqQueueManagerAcl object.


Example 1: Modify access rights for the local queue manager

PS C:\> Set-MsmqQueueManagerAcl -UserName "CONTOSO\DavidChew" -Allow DeleteMessage,PeekMessage -Deny TakeOwnership,SetPermissions

This command modifies the access rights of the local queue manager.

Required Parameters


Specifies the user account or group whose permissions the cmdlet changes.

Type: String[]
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Optional Parameters


Specifies an array of permissions that this cmdlet grants to a user account or group. The acceptable values for this parameter are:

  • AllExtendedRights. All extended rights for the specified queue manager.
  • CreateChildObjects. Create child objects with the specified queue manager.
  • CreateQueue. Create a queue with the specified queue manager.
  • Delete. Delete queues of the specified queue manager.
  • DeleteChildObjects. Delete child objects from the specified queue manager.
  • FullControl. Full control of the specified queue manager.
  • GetPermissions. Get the permissions of the specified queue manager.
  • GetProperties. Get the properties of the specified queue manager.
  • ListContent. List content stored in the queues of the specified queue manager.
  • PeekDeadLetter. Peek a message from the specified queue manager system dead letter queue and transactional dead letter queue.
  • PeekJournal. Peek a message from the specified queue manager system journal queue.
  • ReceiveDeadLetter. Receive a message from the specified queue manager system dead letter queue and transactional dead letter queue.
  • ReceiveJournal. Receive a message from the specified queue manager system journal queue.
  • SetPermissions. Set the permissions of the specified queue manager.
  • SetProperties. Set the properties of the specified queue manager.
  • TakeOwnership. Assign a queue of the specified queue manager to oneself.
Type: QueueManagerAccessRights
Parameter Sets: FullControl, CreateQueue, ReceiveDeadLetter, ReceiveComputerJournal, GetProperties, SetProperties, GetPermissions, SetPermissions, TakeOwnership, Delete, PeekDeadLetter, PeekComputerJournal, AllExtendedRights, CreateAllChildObjects, DeleteAllChildObjects, ListObjects
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: cf
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies an array of permissions that the cmdlet revokes from a user account or group. The acceptable values for this parameter are:

  • AllExtendedRights. All extended rights for the specified queue manager.
  • CreateChildObjects. Create child objects with the specified queue manager.
  • CreateQueue. Create a queue with the specified queue manager.
  • Delete. Delete queues of the specified queue manager.
  • DeleteChildObjects. Delete child objects from the specified queue manager.
  • FullControl. Full control of the specified queue manager.
  • GetPermissions. Get the permissions of the specified queue manager.
  • GetProperties. Get the properties of the specified queue manager.
  • ListContent. List content stored in the queues of the specified queue manager.
  • PeekDeadLetter. Peek a message from the specified queue manager system dead letter queue and transactional dead letter queue.
  • PeekJournal. Peek a message from the specified queue manager system journal queue.
  • ReceiveDeadLetter. Receive a message from the specified queue manager system dead letter queue and transactional dead letter queue.
  • ReceiveJournal. Receive a message from the specified queue manager system journal queue.
  • SetPermissions. Set the permissions of the specified queue manager.
  • SetProperties. Set the properties of the specified queue manager.
  • TakeOwnership. Assign a queue of the specified queue manager to oneself.
Type: QueueManagerAccessRights
Parameter Sets: FullControl, CreateQueue, ReceiveDeadLetter, ReceiveComputerJournal, GetProperties, SetProperties, GetPermissions, SetPermissions, TakeOwnership, Delete, PeekDeadLetter, PeekComputerJournal, AllExtendedRights, CreateAllChildObjects, DeleteAllChildObjects, ListObjects
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies an array of permissions that this cmdlet removes from a user account or group. The acceptable values for this parameter are:

  • AllExtendedRights. All extended rights for the specified queue manager.
  • CreateChildObjects. Create child objects with the specified queue manager.
  • CreateQueue. Create a queue with the specified queue manager.
  • Delete. Delete queues of the specified queue manager.
  • DeleteChildObjects. Delete child objects from the specified queue manager.
  • FullControl. Full control of the specified queue manager.
  • GetPermissions. Get the permissions of the specified queue manager.
  • GetProperties. Get the properties of the specified queue manager.
  • ListContent. List content stored in the queues of the specified queue manager.
  • PeekDeadLetter. Peek a message from the specified queue manager system dead letter queue and transactional dead letter queue.
  • PeekJournal. Peek a message from the specified queue manager system journal queue.
  • ReceiveDeadLetter. Receive a message from the specified queue manager system dead letter queue and transactional dead letter queue.
  • ReceiveJournal. Receive a message from the specified queue manager system journal queue.
  • SetPermissions. Set the permissions of the specified queue manager.
  • SetProperties. Set the properties of the specified queue manager.
  • TakeOwnership. Assign a queue of the specified queue manager to oneself.
Type: QueueManagerAccessRights
Parameter Sets: FullControl, CreateQueue, ReceiveDeadLetter, ReceiveComputerJournal, GetProperties, SetProperties, GetPermissions, SetPermissions, TakeOwnership, Delete, PeekDeadLetter, PeekComputerJournal, AllExtendedRights, CreateAllChildObjects, DeleteAllChildObjects, ListObjects
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: wi
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False