
This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all Physical Computer System View cmdlets. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.


Clear-Pcsv Device Log

Clears the System Event Log for a PCSV device.

Get-Pcsv Device

Gets information about a remote hardware device.

Get-Pcsv Device Log

Gets System Event Log entries from a PCSV device.

Restart-Pcsv Device

Restarts a remote hardware device.

Set-Pcsv Device Boot Configuration

Modifies the boot configuration on the remote hardware device.

Set-Pcsv Device Network Configuration

Changes the network configuration of a PCSV device.

Set-Pcsv Device User Password

Changes the password of a user on a PCSV device.

Start-Pcsv Device

Starts the specified remote hardware device.

Stop-Pcsv Device

Shuts down a remote hardware device.