Get-RDConnection Broker High Availability

Gets high availability settings for the RD Connection Broker server in a Remote Desktop deployment.


   [[-ConnectionBroker] <String>]


The Get-RDConnectionBrokerHighAvailability cmdlet gets high availability settings for the Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) server in a Remote Desktop deployment. The cmdlet displays the following settings:

  • ActiveManagementServer. Current active management server in the highly available RD Connection Broker server list.
  • ConnectionBroker. List of RD Connection Broker servers.
  • ClientAccessName. Client access name for the group of RD Connection Broker servers.
  • DatabaseConnectionString. Database connection string of the central database that stores the configuration.
  • DatabaseSecondaryConnectionString. Database secondary connection string of the central database that stores the configuration. This setting is displayed if the high availability configuration is on a shared database server.
  • DatabaseFilePath. File path for the database specified by the database connection string.


Example 1: Get High Availability Settings

PS C:\> Get-RDConnectionBrokerHighAvailability -ConnectionBroker ""

This command gets the high availability settings for the RD Connection Broker server named

Optional Parameters


Specifies the RD Connection Broker server for a Remote Desktop deployment. If you do not specify a value, the cmdlet uses the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the local computer.

Type: String
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
