Import-Shielding Data File

Imports shielding data.


      [-ShieldingDataFilePath] <String>


The Import-ShieldingDataFile cmdlet imports a ShieldingDataFile object from a shielding data file.


Example 1: Provision a virtual machine by using an imported data file

PS C:\>Import-ShieldingDataFile -ShieldingDataFilePath "ShieldingFile02.pdk" | Protect-ShieldingDataFile -ShieldingDataFilePath "ShieldingDataFile07.pdk"

This command creates a ShieldingDataFile object. The command passes it to the Protect-ShieldingDataFile cmdlet. That cmdlet specifies the output file name.

Required Parameters


Specifies the path of a shielding data file. The file has the .pdk file name extension.

Type: String
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


ShieldingDataFile, ExistingVMShieldingDataFile

This cmdlet returns a ShieldingDataFile object. This object represents a .pdk file used to provision a shielded virtual machine.