Get-Key Protector From Shielding Data File

Gets the Key Protector from a Shielding Data File.


   [-ShieldingDataFilePath] <String>


The Get-KeyProtectorFromShieldingDataFile cmdlet gets the Key Protector from a Shielding Data File.


Example 1: Extract the raw byte form of the Key Protector from the shielding data file

PS C:\>Get-KeyProtectorFromShieldingDataFile -ShieldingDataFilePath "C:\temp\shieldingdata.pdk"
0 0 36 52 [...]

This command extracts the raw byte form of the key protector from the shielding data file located at C:\temp\shieldingdata.pdk

Example 2: Extract the raw key protector from the shielding data and convert it to an HGS Key Protector object

PS C:\>$KP = Get-KeyProtectorFromShieldingDataFile -ShieldingDataFilePath 'C:\temp\shieldingdata.pdk'
PS C:\> ConvertTo-HgsKeyProtector -Bytes $KP

The first command extracts the raw key protector from the shielding data file located at C:\temp\shieldingdata.pdk and stores the result in the variable named $KP.

The second command converts raw key protector stored in the $KB variable to an HGS Key Protector object for further inspection.

Required Parameters


Specifies the location of a Shielding Data File (.pdk).

Type: String
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


This cmdlet returns a Byte[] array that represents the raw key protector structure.