Get-Smb Delegation

Gets the constrained delegation authorizations for an SMB client.


   [-SmbServer] <String>


The Get-SmbDelegation cmdlet gets the constrained delegation authorizations that are currently defined for a server message block (SMB) client that you specify. Delegation allows a user who remotes into an SMB client to perform operations on a remote SMB server.


Example 1: Get the constrained delegation authorizations for an SMB client

PS C:\> Get-SmbDelegation -SmbServer "HVSVR01"

This command gets the currently defined constrained delegation authorizations for the HVSRV01 server.

Required Parameters


Specifies the name of an SMB server. The cmdlet gets the constrained delegation authorizations for the SMB server you specify.

Type: String
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


  • This cmdlet relies on Active Directory Windows PowerShell cmdlets to perform its actions. Before you use this cmdlet, you must install the Active Directory cmdlets. To install the Active Directory cmdlets, run the following command: Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell For more information, type Get-Help Install-WindowsFeature .

    This cmdlet works only with resource-based delegation, and the Active Directory forest must be at the Windows Server 2012 functional level. To check the functional level of the Active Directory forest, use the Get-ADForest cmdlet.