Set-Smb Path Acl

Sets the ACL for the file system folder to match the ACL used by an SMB share.


   [-ShareName] <String>
   [[-ScopeName] <String>]


The Set-SmbPathAcl cmdlet sets the access control list (ACL) for the file system folder to match the ACL for the server message block (SMB) share. The cmdlet sets the ACL to match the SMB share itself. This action simplifies the configuration of NTFS or ReFS file system permissions by copying the SMB share permissions.


Example 1: Set the SMB path ACL by share name

PS C:\> Set-SmbPathAcl -ShareName "Share01"

This command sets the ACL on the file system folder used by the Share01 share to match the ACL of the share.

Example 2: Set the SMB path ACL by share name and scope name

PS C:\> Set-SmbPathAcl -ShareName "Share01" -ScopeName "SOFS01"

This command sets the ACL on the file system folder used by the Share01 share on the SOFS01 scope to match the ACL of the share.

Required Parameters


Specifies the name of the SMB share. The cmdlet sets the ACL on the file system folder to the ACL used by the SMB share that you specify.

Type: String
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Optional Parameters


Specifies the scope name of the SMB share. The cmdlet sets the ACL for the scope that you specify.

Type: String
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False


  • The previous syntax for the same task, ((Get-SmbShare -Name \<ShareName\> ).PresetPathACL | Set-Acl) , continues to work with newer versions of the Windows Server operating system, but the new syntax is much simpler and therefore recommended.