Software Inventory Logging

This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all Software Inventory Logging-specific cmdlets. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.


Get-Sil Computer

Displays the point in time values for specific server and operating system-related data.

Get-Sil Data

Displays a point in time collection of all Software Inventory Logging data.

Get-Sil Logging

Displays configuration settings for Software Inventory Logging.

Get-Sil Software

Displays the point in time identity of all software installed on the computer.

Get-Sil Ual Access

Displays the total number of unique client device requests and client user requests of the server from two days prior.

Get-Sil Windows Update

Displays the point in time list of all Windows updates installed on the computer.

Publish-Sil Data

Initiates a point in time collection of all Software Inventory Logging data and forwards it, along with any accumulated historical data, to the aggregation server.

Set-Sil Logging

Applies configuration settings for Software Inventory Logging.

Start-Sil Logging

Starts Software Inventory Logging daily logging.

Stop-Sil Logging

Stops Software Inventory Logging daily logging.