Get-Tpm Endorsement Key Info

Gets information about the endorsement key and certificates of the TPM.


   [[-HashAlgorithm] <String>]


The Get-TpmEndorsementKeyInfo cmdlet gets information about the endorsement public key and certificates of the Trusted Platform Module (TPM).


Example 1: Get endorsement key information

PS C:\> Get-TpmEndorsementKeyInfo -Hash "Sha256"
IsPresent                : True
PublicKey                : System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData
PublicKeyHash            : 70769c52b6e24ef683693c2a0208da68d77e94192e1f4080ae7c9b97c6caa681
ManufacturerCertificates : {[Subject]

CN=Contoso TPM CA1, OU=Contoso
Certification Authority, O=Contoso, C=KR

[Serial Number]

[Not Before]
6/4/2012 6:35:58 PM

[Not After]
6/4/2022 6:35:57 PM

AdditionalCertificates   : {}

This command gets information about the endorsement key of the TPM. The command uses the Sha256 algorithm to hash the public key.

Optional Parameters


Specifies the hash algorithm used for the public key. The acceptable values for this parameter are: Sha256.

Type: String
Parameter Sets: sha256
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False



This accepts the name of the algorithm, as a string, used to hash the public key. Sha256 is the only supported algorithm.



This cmdlet generates an EndorsementKeyObject object that contains the following members:

  • IsPresent . A Boolean that represents whether the endorsement public key is known to the operating system.
  • PublicKey . An AsnEncodedData object that contains the asn.1 encoded public portion of the endorsement key.
  • PublicKeyHash . The hash, as a String, of the public key if the cmdlet used a hash algorithm.
  • ManufacturerCertificates . A X509Certificate2Collection object that contains the manufacturer endorsement key certificates. This object can contain the manufacturer and platform certificates.
  • AdditionalCertificates . A X509Certificate2Collection object that contains a collection of additional endorsement key certificates that are registered to the operating system, such as any enterprise certificates.