Get-Wsus Classification

Gets the list of all WSUS classifications currently available in the system.


   [-UpdateServer <IUpdateServer>]


The Get-WsusClassification cmdlet gets the list of all Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) classifications.

You can filter this list using the Where-Object cmdlet with the results passed into the Set-WsusClassification cmdlet.


Example 1: Get classifications

PS C:\> Get-WsusServer | Get-WsusClassification
Title                                                       ID 
-----                                                       -- 
Applications                                                5c9376ab-8ce6-464a-b136-22113dd69801 
Critical Updates                                            e6cf1350-c01b-414d-a61f-263d14d133b4 
Definition Updates                                          e0789628-ce08-4437-be74-2495b842f43b 
Drivers                                                     ebfc1fc5-71a4-4f7b-9aca-3b9a503104a0 
Feature Packs                                               b54e7d24-7add-428f-8b75-90a396fa584f 
Security Updates                                            0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441 
Service Packs                                               68c5b0a3-d1a6-4553-ae49-01d3a7827828 
Tools                                                       b4832bd8-e735-4761-8daf-37f882276dab 
Update Rollups                                              28bc880e-0592-4cbf-8f95-c79b17911d5f 
Updates                                                     cd5ffd1e-e932-4e3a-bf74-18bf0b1bbd83

This command gets all classifications.

Example 2: Get classifications that have a specified title

PS C:\> Get-WsusServer | Get-WsusClassification | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Classification.Title -Eq "Drivers"}
Title                                                       ID 
-----                                                       -- 
Drivers                                                     ebfc1fc5-71a4-4f7b-9aca-3b9a503104a0

This command gets the classification with a title of Drivers.

Optional Parameters


Specifies the object that contains the WSUS server. This value is obtained by calling the Get-WsusServer cmdlet and passing the resulting IUpdateServer object into this cmdlet.

Type: IUpdateServer
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False

