Get-Wsus Product

Gets the list of all products currently available on WSUS.


   [-UpdateServer <IUpdateServer>]
   [-TitleIncludes <String>]


The Get-WsusProduct cmdlet gets the list of all Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) products (categories).

This list can be filtered using the Where-Object cmdlet with the results passed into the Set-WsusProduct cmdlet.


Example 1: Get all products for a WSUS server

PS C:\> Get-WsusProduct
Title                                                       ID 
-----                                                       -- 
Antigen for Exchange/SMTP                                   5d6a452a-55ba-4e11-adac-85e180bda3d6 
Antigen                                                     116a3557-3847-4858-9f03-38e94b977456

This command gets all products defined by the WSUS server.

Example 2: Get products by title

PS C:\> Get-WsusProduct | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.product.title -eq "Antigen"}
Title                                                       ID 
-----                                                       -- 
Antigen                                                     116a3557-3847-4858-9f03-38e94b977456

This command gets all products where the product title is equal to Antigen.

Example 3: Get products by partial title

PS C:\> Get-WsusProduct | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.product.title -match "Office"}
Title                                                       ID 
-----                                                       -- 
Office 2002/XP                                              6248b8b1-ffeb-dbd9-887a-2acf53b09dfe 
Office 2003                                                 1403f223-a63f-f572-82ba-c92391218055 
Office 2007                                                 041e4f9f-3a3d-4f58-8b2f-5e6fe95c4591 
Office 2010                                                 84f5f325-30d7-41c4-81d1-87a0e6535b66 
Office Communications Server 2007 R2                        22bf57a8-4fe1-425f-bdaa-32b4f655284b 
Office Communications Server 2007                           e164fc3d-96be-4811-8ad5-ebe692be33dd 
Office Communications Server And Office Communicator        504ae250-57c5-484a-8a10-a2c35ea0689b 
Office Communicator 2007 R2                                 8bc19572-a4b6-4910-b70d-716fecffc1eb 
Office                                                      477b856e-65c4-4473-b621-a8b230bb70d9 
Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime                 cbfd1e71-9d9e-457e-a8c5-500c47cfe9f3

This command gets all products where the product title contains the word Office.

Optional Parameters


Specifies the partial title of the product for which to search.

Type: String
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies the object that contains the WSUS server. This value is obtained by calling the Get-WsusServer cmdlet and passing the resulting IUpdateServer object into this cmdlet.

Type: IUpdateServer
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False



