Source code for tables.tests.test_all

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Run all test cases."""

from __future__ import print_function
import sys

import numpy

import tables
from tables.req_versions import min_hdf5_version, min_numpy_version
from tables.tests import common
from tables.tests.common import unittest
from tables.tests.common import print_heavy, print_versions

def get_tuple_version(hexversion):
    """Get a tuple from a compact version in hex."""

    h = hexversion
    return(h & 0xff0000) >> 16, (h & 0xff00) >> 8, h & 0xff

def suite():
    test_modules = [
        # Sub-packages

    # print('-=' * 38)

    # The test for garbage must be run *in the last place*.
    # Else, it is not as useful.

    alltests = unittest.TestSuite()
    if common.show_memory:
        # Add a memory report at the beginning
    for name in test_modules:
        # Unexpectedly, the following code doesn't seem to work anymore
        # in python 3
        # exec('from %s import suite as test_suite' % name)
        test_suite = sys.modules[name].suite

        if common.show_memory:
            # Add a memory report after each test module
    return alltests

[docs]def test(verbose=False, heavy=False): """Run all the tests in the test suite. If *verbose* is set, the test suite will emit messages with full verbosity (not recommended unless you are looking into a certain problem). If *heavy* is set, the test suite will be run in *heavy* mode (you should be careful with this because it can take a lot of time and resources from your computer). Return 0 (os.EX_OK) if all tests pass, 1 in case of failure """ print_versions() print_heavy(heavy) # What a context this is! #oldverbose, common.verbose = common.verbose, verbose oldheavy, common.heavy = common.heavy, heavy try: result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1+int(verbose)).run(suite()) if result.wasSuccessful(): return 0 else: return 1 finally: #common.verbose = oldverbose common.heavy = oldheavy # there are pretty young heavies, too ;)
if __name__ == '__main__': common.parse_argv(sys.argv) hdf5_version = get_tuple_version(tables.which_lib_version("hdf5")[0]) if hdf5_version < min_hdf5_version: print("*Warning*: HDF5 version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % (hdf5_version, min_hdf5_version)) if numpy.__version__ < min_numpy_version: print("*Warning*: NumPy version is lower than recommended: %s < %s" % (numpy.__version__, min_numpy_version)) # Handle some global flags (i.e. only useful for only_versions = 0 args = sys.argv[:] for arg in args: # Remove 'show-versions' for PyTables 2.3 or higher if arg in ['--print-versions', '--show-versions']: only_versions = True sys.argv.remove(arg) elif arg == '--show-memory': common.show_memory = True sys.argv.remove(arg) print_versions() if not only_versions: print_heavy(common.heavy) unittest.main(defaultTest='tables.tests.suite')