.. currentmodule:: torch .. _type-info-doc: Type Info ========= The numerical properties of a :class:`torch.dtype` can be accessed through either the :class:`torch.finfo` or the :class:`torch.iinfo`. .. _finfo-doc: torch.finfo ----------- .. class:: torch.finfo A :class:`torch.finfo` is an object that represents the numerical properties of a floating point :class:`torch.dtype`, (i.e. `torch.float32`, `torch.float64`, and `torch.float16`). This is similar to `numpy.finfo `_. A :class:`torch.finfo` provides the following attributes: ========= ===== ======================================== Name Type Description ========= ===== ======================================== bits int The number of bits occupied by the type. eps float The smallest representable number such that 1.0 + eps != 1.0. max float The largest representable number. tiny float The smallest positive representable number. ========= ===== ======================================== .. note:: The constructor of :class:`torch.finfo` can be called without argument, in which case the class is created for the pytorch default dtype (as returned by ``torch.get_default_dtype()``). .. _iinfo-doc: torch.iinfo ------------ .. class:: torch.iinfo A :class:`torch.iinfo` is an object that represents the numerical properties of a integer :class:`torch.dtype` (i.e. `torch.uint8`, `torch.int8`, `torch.int16`, `torch.int32`, and `torch.int64`). This is similar to `numpy.iinfo `_. A :class:`torch.iinfo` provides the following attributes: ========= ===== ======================================== Name Type Description ========= ===== ======================================== bits int The number of bits occupied by the type. max int The largest representable number. ========= ===== ========================================