[Fwd: Bug in Vera Sans Mono]

See attached message regarding an incorrect bit that causes some programs not to identify Vera Sans Mono as monospaced.

-- codeman38
--- Begin Message --- I'm not sure which address at Bitstream I needed to send this bug report to, so I've sent it to general support; if someone else could better deal with the problem, go ahead and forward the message to them. Anyway...

I've downloaded the free Vera font pack from gnome.org, and it's quite nice. Can't wait to see the final version; I especially like the monospaced font.

However, I've encountered one bug which is worth mentioning.

Some software, such as the Windows terminal emulator PuTTY, is unable to recognize Vera Sans Mono as a monospaced font because the PostScript "isFixedPitch" value is set to 0 rather than 1. Programs (such as PuTTY, and I'd suppose various other Windows utilities) which use this particular field to check whether a font is monospaced will not identify Vera Sans Mono as such.

I've verified this as the problem by modifying the field in question myself using a font editor; setting isFixedPitch to 1 made the font accessible to the programs in question.

-- Cody Boisclair
   cody zone38 net

--- End Message ---

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