RE: Latin Extended-B teaser

Le jeu, 15/04/2004 à 15:47 -0500, Charles Smith a écrit :

> Danilo and all,
> Okay, I didn't realize you were all working on GNU/Linux systems.  A friend
> gave me a copy of Knoppix V3.3, so that's the closest thing to Linux I have.
> I have a few questions.  First, which OS would you recommend?  Second, I've
> heard about having two OSs on one's system (double booting), but I have no
> idea how to go about it.

That's really not as scary as it seems at first - the big pain is
ususally only to free space for the second OS (that is, unless you have
weird hardware less well supported on the new OS than on your current
one). Most linux installers will setup the multiboot for you. has a not too biased review of Linux
distributions (well, *I* would have proposed Mandrake or Fedora at
first, then Fedora/Debian/Suse, then Debian Instable or Fedora Devel,
but I'm not pretending to be an authority).

Be prepared to loose massive amounts of time getting aquainted to the
new system at first. After a while you'll feel more at home, and some
people even dump their original OS altogether eventually.

Anyway if you're not technophobe, it'll be fun (if time consuming).


Nicolas Mailhot

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