Re: Amateurish cyrillic glyphs: "Bepa" font

Danilo Segan wrote:
Hi everyone,


I'm already using them for my desktop (the main reason I worked on
them is my wish to use completely free [as in freedom] and good
looking font for my desktop; Nimbus Sans from urw-cyr doesn't look
very nice, even though I did extend it with missing Serbian glyphs),
and there are no any obvious problems at low resolutions.

[I am willing to use Gnome CVS for these if that is allowed, and
would not be considered "conflict of interest"]

I think using gnome cvs would be an exteremely good idea, esp if its a common module where all Vera related experiments and derivatives can reside - there should be oppourturnities for cross-pollination.

Of course, the hinting is that provided by Pfaedit, I may have messed
up even the Latin part of the font (like metrics, etc.), and I have
copied ETH to Dstroke (Đ), to be able to use Latin transcription of
Serbian with these fonts (this one is required for Croatian and
Bosnian too).

Yes, the hinting/instructing in Latin should preferably remain the same as original, I guess - but even if you did mess it up it is not hard to restore it.

Any comments are welcome, though I don't promise to be able to work
on it substantially as long as fonts work fine for me.  Contributions
of whatever form are indeed welcome.

As for my configuration, I just drop the four TTFs into my ~/.fonts/
folder, and they automagically appear.  I use FreeType2 without
bytecode interpreter (so it makes use of autohinting), and they're
looking quite fine for me.

Hope at least someone finds this useful.


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