Re: What happens when gtkrc file cannot find the font?

Le lun, 17/05/2004 à 07:47 -0700, Barath K. Seshadri a écrit :
> Hi,
>     I understand the fontconfig part and I've setup
> aliases  to pick up fonts from the system. But, if the
> fontconfig cannot be used, how does the rc file pick
> up the system font? I appreciate you rhelp. Thanks.

Well, really using a fontconfig-less environment is such 
a PITA I wouldn't worry about it anymore. (This is the 
single factor that make me decide which of emacs/vim I 
hated most)

And in modern GTK setups fonts are increasingly decorelated 
from themes. The main reason being a font which is pretty for
someone can be totally unreadable on another setup (dpi 
changes, AA, CRT/LCD, encoding range, etc)

There is something to be said about misguided overcontrol.


Nicolas Mailhot

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