Re: Bitstream Vera Sans render problem with GTK apps (Firefox, KDE OK)

Hi everyone, thank you for looking into this.

> It's more likely to be a problem with either FreeType (the version
> of FreeType 2 isn't mentioned in the mail) or with with the font.

On Ubuntu it seems "libttf2" is freetype:

$ apt-cache search --names-only freetype2
libttf-dev - FreeType 1 development files (static library and headers)
libttf2 - FreeType 1, The FREE TrueType Font Engine, shared library files
freetype2 - Dummy package for transition to libttf2
freetype2-demos - FreeType 2 demonstration programs

So the version of "freetype2" (and libttf2) is "1.4pre.20030402-1.1".

Please let me know what other information I can provide.


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