This library provides utilities for converting byte-strings to and from an encoding based on Crockford’s Base32 encoding.
Compared to similar Base32 encodings like RFC 4648, Crockford’s encoding has a few desirable characteristics which make it especially appealing for user-facing use:
Potentially ambiguous characters, like i, I, l, and L are treated as synonyms.
The digits 0 through F have the same value as their hexadecimal counterparts.
The letter U is invalid, lowering the surface area for obscene encodings.
This library deviates from Crockford’s encoding by encoding strings as lower-case by default. Hyphens are also disallowed as spacing and check characters are unimplemented, although this is a shortcoming of the implementation.
(require base32) | package: base32 |
1.1 Encoding and decoding byte-strings
(base32-decode-bytes b32) → bytes?
b32 : base32?
(base32-encode-bytes bs) → base32?
bs : bytes?
1.2 Encoding and decoding ports
(base32-decode in [#:close? close?]) → input-port?
in : input-port? close? : boolean? = #t
If close? is #t, in will be closed once eof is reached.
(base32-encode in [#:close? close?]) → input-port?
in : input-port? close? : boolean? = #t
If close? is #t, in will be closed once eof is reached.
1.3 Comparing base32 strings
Because some characters are synonymous, two Base32 encodings may be representationally equivalent but not structurally equivalent.
> (define-values (x y) (values "ABC0123" "abcoi23")) > (equal? x y) #f
> (base32=? x y) #t
> (string<? x y) #t
> (base32<? x y) #f
2 Conversion table
The following table shows the decimal value for each valid base32 character. When encoding, this library always chooses the first base32 representation in the table below.
base 10 | base 32 |
0 | 0 o O = |
1 | 1 i I l L |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 |
7 | 7 |
8 | 8 |
9 | 9 |
10 | a A |
11 | b B |
12 | c C |
13 | d D |
14 | e E |
15 | f F |
16 | g G |
17 | h H |
18 | j J |
19 | k K |
20 | m M |
21 | n N |
22 | p P |
23 | q Q |
24 | r R |
25 | s S |
26 | t T |
27 | v V |
28 | w W |
29 | x X |
30 | y Y |
31 | z Z |