Racket Binutils
This package is not stable, and is likely to break compatibility in the future.
(require binutils) | package: binutils |
1 Binary Objects
(struct bin:object (sections) #:extra-constructor-name make-bin:object) sections : (listof bin:section?)
Represents a binary object.
(struct bin:section ( name size writable? executable? data symbols relocations) #:extra-constructor-name make-bin:section) name : (or/c bytes? #f) size : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f) writable? : boolean? executable? : boolean? data : (or/c bytes? #f) symbols : (listof bin:symbol?) relocations : (listof bin:relocation?)
Represents a section of a binary object.
(struct bin:symbol (name value size binding type) #:extra-constructor-name make-bin:symbol) name : symbol? value : exact-integer? size : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f) binding : (one-of/c 'local 'global 'weak #f) type : (one-of/c 'object 'function #f)
Represents a symbol for linking.
(struct bin:relocation (offset size symbol type addend) #:extra-constructor-name make-bin:relocation) offset : exact-nonnegative-integer? size : exact-nonnegative-integer? symbol : symbol? type : (one-of/c 'address 'offset 'value 'size) addend : exact-integer?
Represents a relocation.
2 Linking
obj : bin:object?
Resolves local relative references in obj.
3 Dynamic Loading
This is unsafe (particularly if there are bugs, which is likely) - it could cause crashes or worse!
Represents an object which has been loaded into memory.
Returns a list of symbols exported by the object.
(send a-dynamic-object symbol-ref name) → cpointer?
name : symbol? Returns a pointer to the requested symbol. This may be cast into a function type.
(load-object obj) → (is-a?/c dynamic-object<%>)
obj : bin:object?
Loads obj into memory.
4 ELF Support
(require binutils/elf) | package: binutils |
4.1 Reading and Writing
in : input-port? = (current-input-port)
Reads an ELF binary from in.
v : (is-a?/c elf%) out : output-port? = (current-output-port)
Writes v as an ELF binary to out.
4.2 Conversion
(elf->bin:object elf) → (bin:object?)
elf : (is-a?/c elf%)
Converts elf to a generic object. Some information will be
lost in this process.
(bin:object->elf obj) → (is-a?/c elf%)
obj : bin:object?
Converts obj to an ELF object.
4.3 ELF Data Structures
These classes represent the ELF format. For details, see the ELF specification and the source code of this module.
4.4 Utilities
(system-elf-class) → (or/c 'elf32 'elf64)
Returns the appropriate ELF class for the current processor.