2 Basic Example

 #:formats? '(raw console "basic.pdf")
 #:line_break_length? 1
 #:font_size? 'small
 (lambda ()
    #:line_break_length? 100
    #:font_size? 'big
    (lambda ()
      (detail-h1 "Hello World!")
      (detail-line "Yes, one by one, day by day.")
       (lambda ()
          (lambda ()
            (detail-col "123")
            (detail-col "12345")
            (detail-col "1234567")))
          (lambda ()
            (detail-col "12345")
            (detail-col "123")))))))))

1. include your normal code into the detail’s body lambda.

2. detail elements has two kinds: container and element, all element should be placed in some container.

3. detail can generate multiple report at the same time.

4. some properties can be set in parent or the children elements, like: detail-page, detail-line... properted is inheritated from parent element.