5 Statements
Evaluates each stmt
in order, returning
the value of the last statement.
Updates the value of the variable bound to id
with the result of evaluating expr.
Does nothing.
Evaluates test, then executes true if
the result of applying to-boolean to the resulting
value is #t. Otherwise, false is executed
if supplied.
maybe-init =
| #:init init maybe-test =
| #:test test maybe-update =
| #:update update
Repeatedly executes body so long as the result of
(to-boolean test) is #t beforehand.
Equivalent to
(for #:test test body ...)
Aborts the enclosing loop, or the loop with label
label. This form is illegal outside of a
for or while loop.
Jumps to the next iteration of the enclosing loop,
or the loop with label label. This form is
illegal outside of a for or
while loop.
maybe-catch =
| #:catch catch-id catch-form ... maybe-finally =
| #:finally finally-form ...