11 Meta Expectations
These functions construct expectations for asserting properties of other expectations. This is especially useful when testing custom expectations.
(expect-exp-faults input fault-exp ...) → expectation?
input : any/c fault-exp : (or/c expectation? fault?)
> (expect! expect-true (expect-exp-faults #f expect-any)) > (expect! expect-true (expect-exp-faults #f)) expected a different value
subject: #<expectation:true>
in: the expectation applied to #f
in: the return value
in: the number of items
expected: eqv? to 0
actual: 1
(expect-exp-faults* input fault-exp*) → expectation?
input : any/c
fault-exp* :
(or/c expectation? (listof (or/c fault? expectation?)))
> (define (expect-exp-even-faults input) (expect-exp-faults* input (expect-list-length (expect-pred even?)))) > (define exp-ab (expect-list 1 2)) > (expect! exp-ab (expect-exp-even-faults '(1 2))) > (expect! exp-ab (expect-exp-even-faults '(a b))) > (expect! exp-ab (expect-exp-even-faults '(1 foo))) expected a different kind of value
subject: #<expectation:list>
in: the expectation applied to '(1 foo)
in: the return value
in: the number of items
expected: even?
actual: 1
(expect-exp-apply v thunk-exp) → expectation?
v : any/c thunk-exp : expectation?
> (expect! expect-any (expect-exp-apply 'foo (expect-return '()))) > (define error-exp (expectation (λ (_) (raise 'kaboom!)) #:name 'error)) > (expect! error-exp (expect-exp-apply 'foo (expect-raise 'kaboom!))) > (expect! error-exp (expect-exp-apply 'foo (expect-return '()))) expected no value raised
subject: #<expectation:error>
in: the expectation applied to 'foo
in: the raised value
expected: nothing
actual: 'kaboom!
(expect-fault [ #:summary summary-exp #:actual actual-exp #:expected expected-exp #:contexts contexts-exp]) → expectation? summary-exp : any/c = expect-any actual-exp : any/c = expect-any expected-exp : any/c = expect-any contexts-exp : any/c = expect-any
> (define flt (fault #:summary "test fault" #:expected (make-self-attribute 'foo) #:actual (make-self-attribute 'bar))) > (expect! flt (expect-fault)) > (expect! flt (expect-fault #:actual (make-self-attribute 'bar))) > (expect! flt (expect-fault #:summary "not test fault")) expected a different value
subject: (fault "test fault" (self-attribute "'foo" 'foo)
(self-attribute "'bar" 'bar) '())
in: the fault-summary struct field
expected: equal? to "not test fault"
actual: "test fault"
(struct expect-context context (input) #:transparent) input : any/c
(make-expect-context input) → expect-context?
input : any/c