On this page:
1.14.1 Game Rules
1.14.2 Controls
1.14.3 Auto-Play

1.14  Gobblet Strategy Game

To play Gobblet, run the PLT Games program. (Under Unix, it’s called plt-games).

Gobblet! is a board game from Blue Orange Games:


Our 3x3 version actually corresponds to Gobblet! Jr. , while the 4x4 version matches Gobblet!.

The Blue Orange web site provides rules for Gobblet! Jr. and Gobblet!. The rules below are in our own words; see also the Blue Orange version.

1.14.1 Game Rules

The 3x3 game is a generalization of tic-tac-toe:

The 4x4 game has a few changes:

1.14.2 Controls

Click and drag pieces in the obvious way to take a turn. The shadow under a piece shows where it will land when you drop it.

Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to rotate the board. Use the - and = keys to zoom in and out. Use _ and + to make the game smaller and larger. (Changing the size adjusts perspective in a slightly different way than zooming.) Depending on how keyboard focus works on your machine, you may have to click the board area to make these controls work.

The button labeled < at the bottom of the window rewinds the game by one turn. The button labeled > re-plays one turn in a rewound game. An alternate move can be made at any point in a rewound game, replacing the old game from that point on.

1.14.3 Auto-Play

Turn on a computer player at any time by checking the Auto-Play Red or Auto-Play Yellow checkbox. If you rewind the game, you can choose an alternate move for yourself or for the auto-player to find out what would have happened. The auto-player is not always deterministic, so replying the same move might lead to a different result. You can disable an auto-player at any point by unchecking the corresponding Auto-Play"checkbox.

Important: In the 3x3 game, you cannot win as yellow against the smart auto-player (if the auto-player is allowed to play red from the start of the game). In other words, red has a forced win in the 3x3 game, and the smart auto-player knows the path to victory. You might have a chance to beat the red player in the default mode, though, which is represented by the Ok choice (instead of Smart) in the Auto-Play Options dialog.

Configure the auto-player by clicking the Auto-Play Options button. Currently, there’s no difference between Smart and Ok in the 4x4 game.