A style<%>
object encapsulates drawing information (font,
color, alignment, etc.) in a hierarchical manner. A style<%>
object always exists within the context of a style-list%
object and is never created except by a style-list% object.
See also Styles.
(send a-style get-alignment) → (or/c 'top 'center 'bottom)
Returns the style’s alignment: 'top, 'center, or
(send a-style get-background) → (is-a?/c color%)
Returns the style’s background color.
(send a-style get-base-style) → (or/c (is-a?/c style<%>) #f)
Returns the style’s base style. See Styles for more
information. The return value is #f only for the basic style
in the list.
delta : (is-a?/c style-delta%)
Mutates delta, changing it to match the style’s delta, if the style is not a join
style. See Styles for more information.
Returns the style’s face name. See font%.
(send a-style get-family)
(or/c 'default 'decorative 'roman 'script 'swiss 'modern 'symbol 'system)
Returns the style’s font family. See font%.
Returns the style’s font information.
(send a-style get-foreground) → (is-a?/c color%)
Returns the style’s foreground color.
Returns the style’s name, or #f if it is unnamed. Style names
are only set through the style’s style-list% object.
(send a-style get-shift-style) → (is-a?/c style<%>)
Returns the style’s shift style if it is a join style. Otherwise, the
root style is returned. See Styles for more information.
Returns the style’s font size.
(send a-style get-size-in-pixels) → boolean?
Returns #t if the style size is in pixels, instead of points,
or #f otherwise.
(send a-style get-smoothing)
→ (or/c 'default 'partly-smoothed 'smoothed 'unsmoothed)
Returns the style’s font smoothing. See font%.
Returns the style’s font style. See font%.
Returns the descent of text using this style in a given DC.
Returns the height of text using this style in a given DC.
Returns the vertical spacing for text using this style in a given DC.
Returns the width of a space character using this style in a given
(send a-style get-transparent-text-backing) → boolean?
Returns #t if text is drawn without erasing the
text background or #f otherwise.
(send a-style get-underlined) → boolean?
Returns #t if the style is underlined or #f
(send a-style get-weight) → (or/c 'normal 'bold 'light)
Returns the style’s font weight. See font%.
(send a-style set-base-style base-style) → void?
base-style : (is-a?/c style<%>)
Sets the style’s base style and recomputes the style’s font, etc. See
Styles for more information.
delta : (is-a?/c style-delta%)
Sets the style’s delta (if it is not a join style) and recomputes the
style’s font, etc. See Styles for more information.
(send a-style set-shift-style style) → void?
style : (is-a?/c style<%>)
Sets the style’s shift style (if it is a join style) and recomputes
the style’s font, etc. See Styles for more information.
Sets the font, pen color, etc. of the given drawing context. If
oldstyle is not #f, only differences between the
given style and this one are applied to the drawing context.