html-writing:   Writing HTML from SXML
1 Introduction
1.1 HTML5 Emphasis
1.2 script Element
2 Foreign Filters
3 Low-Level Writing
4 High-Level Writing
5 Known Issues
6 History
7 Legal

html-writing: Writing HTML from SXML

Neil Van Dyke

1 Introduction

The html-writing package provides support for writing HTML encoded as SXML. It includes programmatic foreign filter handling of non-SXML objects, and support for faux HTML within script elements.
This can be used for hand-constructed HTML, for HTML constructed by program, and for emitting HTML that has been read via the html-parsing package and then transformed.
For example:
 '((html (head (title "My Title"))
         (body (@ (bgcolor "white"))
               (h1 "My Heading")
               (p "This is a paragraph.")
               (p "This is another paragraph."))))
produces the output:

<html><head><title>My Title</title></head><body bgcolor="white"><h1>My Heading</h1><p>This is a paragraph.</p><p>This isanother paragraph.</p></body></html>

For a complementary way of writing HTML from SXML, see the html-template package.

1.1 HTML5 Emphasis

This package will emphasize HTML5 behavior, now and in the future. Historically, this code was written for HTML 4.x and earlier, and for XHTML. XHTML is no longer supported. Pre-HTML5 HTML will be supported for the forseeable future, except when that conflicts with support for HTML5.

1.2 script Element

The HTML script element is handled specially, for compatibility with HTML5 and pre-HTML5, as well as an aid for Ractive.js type="text/ractive". Specifically, when the content of the script element contains element SXML and other non-strings, those non-strings are written as what we’ll call “CDATA faux HTML“. In this CDATA faux HTML, strings are written without character entity escaping. This permits, say, the script to be some kind of template that looks like HTML and that contains bits of JavaScript. (We don’t endorse Ractive.js, but supporting script in this way seemed sensible for other reasons, and helped a Racket developer who happened to be using that framework.)

2 Foreign Filters

A foreign filter is a procedure that is called by the writing procedures of this package when encountering an unrecognized object in the SXML. For one hypothetical use of this, consider the embedding of absolute URL objects in some SXML, which are converted to relative URLs at time HTML is written.
The foreign filter procedure is called with two arguments:
  • context, which is one the symbols 'content, 'attribute, or 'attribute-value.

  • object, which is the foreign object.



(current-html-writing-foreign-filter ff)  void?
  ff : html-writing-foreign-filter?
Parameter for the foreign filter to use.

3 Low-Level Writing

This section lists some low-level writing procedures that are currently provided for historical reasons, and should be considered deprecated for now.
The two most common procedures for writing HTML from an SXML representation are the high-level write-html and xexp->html, described in the next section.


(write-html-attribute-value-part-string str    
  out)  void?
  str : string?
  out : output-port?


(write-html-attribute-value-part thing out)  void?

  thing : any/c
  out : output-port?


(write-html-attributes attr-or-list out)  void?

  attr-or-list : any/c
  out : output-port?


(xexp->html-attribute-value-bytes xexp)  void?

  xexp : any/c


(write-html-decl thing out)  void?

  thing : any/c
  out : output-string?


(write-html-pi thing out)  void?

  thing : any/c
  out : output-string?

4 High-Level Writing


(write-html xexp out)  void?

  xexp : xexp?
  out : output-port?
Writes conventional HTML of the SXML xexp to output port out. If out is not specified, the default is the current output port. HTML elements of types that are always empty are written using HTML4-compatible XHTML tag syntax.
No inter-tag whitespace or line breaks not explicit in xexp is emitted. The xexp should normally include a newline at the end of the document.


(xexp->html xexp)  string?

  xexp : xexp?
Yields an HTML encoding of SXML xexp as a string. For example (using the html->xexp procedure from package html-parsing, to show going full-circle):
> (xexp->html
    "<P>This is<br<b<I>bold </foo>italic</ b > text.</p>"))
  "<p>This is<br><b><i>bold italic</i></b> text.</p>"
Note that, since this procedure constructs a string, it is normally best used when the HTML is small. When encoding HTML documents of conventional size, write-html is likely more efficient.


(xexp->html-bytes xexp)  bytes?

  xexp : xexp?
Like xexp->html, but returns a byte string instead of a string.

5 Known Issues

6 History

7 Legal

Copyright 2004–2012, 2016 Neil Van Dyke. This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See for details. For other licenses and consulting, please contact the author.