3 Unstable Lenses
(require unstable/lens) | package: lens-unstable |
This library provides additional features for the lens library that are non-final and may change in future releases. Do not depend on this library being backwards-compatible.
3.1 lens-view/thrush, lens-set/thrush, and lens-transform/thrush
(lens-view/thrush target lens ...) → any/c
target : any/c lens : lens?
(lens-view~> target lens ...) → any/c
target : any/c lens : lens?
> (lens-view/thrush '(a b ((c d) e f) g) third-lens first-lens second-lens) 'd
> (lens-view~> '(a b ((c d) e f) g) third-lens first-lens second-lens) 'd
(lens-set/thrush target lens ... #:-> new-view) → any/c target : any/c lens : lens? new-view : any/c
(lens-set~> target lens ... #:-> new-view) → any/c
target : any/c lens : lens? new-view : any/c
> (lens-set/thrush '(a b ((c d) e f) g) third-lens first-lens second-lens #:-> "sea") '(a b ((c "sea") e f) g)
> (lens-set~> '(a b ((c d) e f) g) third-lens first-lens second-lens #:-> "sea") '(a b ((c "sea") e f) g)
(lens-transform/thrush target lens ... #:-> transformer) → any/c target : any/c lens : lens? transformer : (-> any/c any/c)
(lens-transform~> target lens ... #:-> transformer) → any/c target : any/c lens : lens? transformer : (-> any/c any/c)
> (lens-transform/thrush '(a b ((c d) e f) g) third-lens first-lens second-lens #:-> symbol->string) '(a b ((c "d") e f) g)
> (lens-transform~> '(a b ((c d) e f) g) third-lens first-lens second-lens #:-> symbol->string) '(a b ((c "d") e f) g)
3.2 Lenses for nested data
(define-nested-lenses [base-id base-lens-expr] clause ...)
clause =
[sub-id sub-lens-expr clause ...]
(define-nested-lenses [top-middle top-middle-lens] [x middle-x-lens] [y middle-y-lens])
Clauses can be nested within other clauses as well:
> (struct/lens game (player1 player2) #:transparent) > (struct/lens player (position score) #:transparent) > (struct/lens position (x y) #:transparent)
> (define-nested-lenses [game-player1 game-player1-lens] [score player-score-lens] [position player-position-lens [x position-x-lens] [y position-y-lens]])
> (define-nested-lenses [game-player2 game-player2-lens] [score player-score-lens] [position player-position-lens [x position-x-lens] [y position-y-lens]]) > (define the-game (game (player (position 1 2) 5) (player (position 3 4) 6))) > (lens-view game-player1-score-lens the-game) 5
> (lens-view game-player1-position-lens the-game) (position 1 2)
> (lens-view game-player1-position-x-lens the-game) 1
> (lens-set game-player1-score-lens the-game 9005) (game (player (position 1 2) 9005) (player (position 3 4) 6))
> (lens-set game-player1-position-lens the-game (position 2 0)) (game (player (position 2 0) 5) (player (position 3 4) 6))
> (lens-set game-player1-position-x-lens the-game 3) (game (player (position 3 2) 5) (player (position 3 4) 6))
3.3 Lenses for nested dictionaries
(dict-ref-nested-lens k ...) → (lens/c functional-dict? any/c)
k : any/c
> (define a-x (dict-ref-nested-lens 'a 'x)) > (lens-view a-x '([a [x . 1] [y . 2]] '[b [z . 3]])) 1
> (lens-set a-x '([a [x . 1] [y . 2]] '[b [z . 3]]) 100) '((a (x . 100) (y . 2)) '(b (z . 3)))
3.4 Flattening and unflattening lists
When setting, the new view must have the same length as the old view, so it must have the same length as (append* target).
> (lens-view append*-lens '((a b c) (1 2 3))) '(a b c 1 2 3)
> (lens-set append*-lens '((a b c) (1 2 3)) '("do" "re" "mi" "re" "mi" "do")) '(("do" "re" "mi") ("re" "mi" "do"))
> (lens-view append*-lens '((a) (b c) () (d e f))) '(a b c d e f)
> (lens-set append*-lens '((a) (b c) () (d e f)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) '((1) (2 3) () (4 5 6))
> (lens-view append*-lens '(((a) (b) (c)) ((1) (2) (3)))) '((a) (b) (c) (1) (2) (3))
> (lens-set append*-lens '(((a) (b) (c)) ((1) (2) (3))) '("mi" "re" "do" "re" "re" "mi")) '(("mi" "re" "do") ("re" "re" "mi"))
(flatten/depth-lens n) → lens?
n : exact-nonnegative-integer?
A list of depth 0 is a single element, a list of depth 1 is a list, a list of depth 2 is a list of lists, and so on.
This is a generalization of append*-lens, with that being equivalent to (flatten/depth-lens 2). It uses flatten/depth to view, and unflatten/depth to set.
> (lens-view (flatten/depth-lens 0) 'a) '(a)
> (lens-set (flatten/depth-lens 0) 'a '(1)) 1
> (lens-view (flatten/depth-lens 1) '(a b c)) '(a b c)
> (lens-set (flatten/depth-lens 1) '(a b c) '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3)
> (lens-view (flatten/depth-lens 2) '((a) (b c) () (d e f))) '(a b c d e f)
> (lens-set (flatten/depth-lens 2) '((a) (b c) () (d e f)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) '((1) (2 3) () (4 5 6))
> (lens-view (flatten/depth-lens 3) '(((a) ()) (() (b) (c)) () ((d e) () (f)))) '(a b c d e f)
> (lens-set (flatten/depth-lens 3) '(((a) ()) (() (b) (c)) () ((d e) () (f))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) '(((1) ()) (() (2) (3)) () ((4 5) () (6)))
(flatten/depth n structure) → list?
n : exact-nonnegative-integer? structure : any/c
> (flatten/depth 0 'a) '(a)
> (flatten/depth 1 '(a b c)) '(a b c)
> (flatten/depth 2 '((a) (b c) () (d e f))) '(a b c d e f)
> (flatten/depth 3 '(((a) ()) (() (b) (c)) () ((d e) () (f)))) '(a b c d e f)
(unflatten/depth n structure flattened) → any/c
n : exact-nonnegative-integer? structure : any/c flattened : list?
> (unflatten/depth 0 'a '(1)) 1
> (unflatten/depth 1 '(a b c) '(1 2 3)) '(1 2 3)
> (unflatten/depth 2 '((a) (b c) () (d e f)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) '((1) (2 3) () (4 5 6))
> (unflatten/depth 3 '(((a) ()) (() (b) (c)) () ((d e) () (f))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) '(((1) ()) (() (2) (3)) () ((4 5) () (6)))
(append*n-lens n) → lens?
n : exact-nonnegative-integer?
3.5 Filtering hash-tables
(hash-filterer-lens/key keep?)
→ (lens/c immutable-hash? immutable?) keep? : (-> any/c boolean?)
> (lens-view (hash-filterer-lens/key symbol?) (hash 'a 1 "b" 2 'c 3)) '#hash((a . 1) (c . 3))
> (lens-set (hash-filterer-lens/key symbol?) (hash 'a 1 "b" 2 'c 3) (hash 'd 4 'e 5)) '#hash((d . 4) (e . 5) ("b" . 2))
(hash-filterer-lens/value keep?)
→ (lens/c immutable-hash? immutable?) keep? : (-> any/c boolean?)
> (lens-view (hash-filterer-lens/value number?) (hash 'a 1 'b "two" 'c 3)) '#hash((a . 1) (c . 3))
> (lens-set (hash-filterer-lens/value number?) (hash 'a 1 'b "two" 'c 3) (hash 'd 4)) '#hash((b . "two") (d . 4))
(hash-filterer-lens keep?)
→ (lens/c immutable-hash? immutable?) keep? : (-> any/c any/c boolean?)
> (lens-view (hash-filterer-lens =) (hash 1 1.0 2 45 3 3)) '#hash((1 . 1.0) (3 . 3))
> (lens-set (hash-filterer-lens =) (hash 1 1.0 2 45 3 3) (hash 4 4.0 5.0 5)) '#hash((2 . 45) (4 . 4.0) (5.0 . 5))
3.6 Conditional Lenses
pred : (-> target/c any/c) lens1 : (lens/c target/c view/c) lens2 : (lens/c target/c view/c)
> (define if-lens (lens-if list? first-lens (vector-ref-lens 0))) > (lens-view if-lens '(1 2 3)) 1
> (lens-view if-lens '#(1 2 3)) 1
> (lens-set if-lens '(1 2 3) 'a) '(a 2 3)
> (lens-set if-lens '#(1 2 3) 'a) '#(a 2 3)
(lens-cond [pred-expr lens-expr] ...)
> (define cond-lens (lens-cond [list? first-lens] [vector? (vector-ref-lens 0)] [string? (string-ref-lens 0)])) > (lens-view cond-lens '(1 2 3)) 1
> (lens-view cond-lens '#(1 2 3)) 1
> (lens-view cond-lens "123") #\1
> (lens-set cond-lens '(1 2 3) 'a) '(a 2 3)
> (lens-set cond-lens '#(1 2 3) 'a) '#(a 2 3)
> (lens-set cond-lens "123" #\a) "a23"
> (lens-view cond-lens 'none-of-the-above) lens-cond: no matching clause for target
target: 'none-of-the-above
expected: '(or/c list? vector? string?)
(lens-match [pat lens-expr] ...)
> (define lens (lens-match [(list a) first-lens] [(list a b) second-lens])) > (lens-view lens '(1)) 1
> (lens-view lens '(1 2)) 2
> (lens-set lens '(1) 'a) '(a)
> (lens-set lens '(1 2) 'a) '(1 a)
3.7 Isomorphisms
(make-isomorphism-lens f inv) → lens?
f : (a/c . -> . b/c) inv : (b/c . -> . a/c)
> (lens-view symbol->string-lens 'something) "something"
> (lens-transform symbol->string-lens 'something (λ (s) (string-append "make-" s))) 'make-something
(isomorphism-lens? v) → boolean?
v : any/c
(isomorphism-lens-inverse iso-lens) → isomorphism-lens?
iso-lens : isomorphism-lens?
(make-isomorphism-lenses f inv)
isomorphism-lens? isomorphism-lens? f : (a/c . -> . b/c) inv : (b/c . -> . a/c)
(define-values [string->symbol-lens symbol->string-lens] (make-isomorphism-lenses string->symbol symbol->string))
(isomorphism-compose lens ...) → isomorphism-lens?
lens : isomorphism-lens?
(isomorphism-thrush lens ...) → isomorphism-lens?
lens : isomorphism-lens?
3.8 Joining lenses with an association list
(lens-join/assoc key lens ... ...)
→ (lens/c target/c (listof (cons/c key/c value/c))) key : key/c lens : (lens/c target/c value/c)
> (define a-b-lens (lens-join/assoc 'a first-lens 'b third-lens)) > (lens-view a-b-lens '(1 2 3)) '((a . 1) (b . 3))
> (lens-set a-b-lens '(1 2 3) '((a . 100) (b . 200))) '(100 2 200)
3.9 Lazy lenses and recursive lenses
(lazy-lens lens-expr)
(rec-lens rec-id lens-expr)
> (define (tree-map-lens item-lens) (rec-lens the-tree-lens (lens-cond [list? (map-lens the-tree-lens)] [else item-lens]))) > (lens-view (tree-map-lens symbol->string-lens) '(a (b (() c)) (d))) '("a" ("b" (() "c")) ("d"))
> (lens-set (tree-map-lens symbol->string-lens) '(a (b (() c)) (d)) '("hay" ("bee" (() "sea")) ("deep"))) '(hay (bee (() sea)) (deep))
3.10 Lenses that map over lists and vectors
> (lens-view (map-lens first-lens) '((a b) (c d) (e f))) '(a c e)
> (lens-set (map-lens first-lens) '((a b) (c d) (e f)) '(1 2 3)) '((1 b) (2 d) (3 f))
> (lens-transform (map-lens first-lens) '((a b) (c d) (e f)) (λ (xs) (map symbol->string xs))) '(("a" b) ("c" d) ("e" f))
(vector-map-lens lens) → lens?
lens : lens?
> (lens-view (vector-map-lens first-lens) '#((a b) (c d) (e f))) '#(a c e)
> (lens-set (vector-map-lens first-lens) '#((a b) (c d) (e f)) '#(1 2 3)) '#((1 b) (2 d) (3 f))
> (lens-transform (vector-map-lens first-lens) '#((a b) (c d) (e f)) (λ (xs) (vector->immutable-vector (vector-map symbol->string xs)))) '#(("a" b) ("c" d) ("e" f))
3.11 Lenses based on match patterns
(match-lens id pattern replacement)
> (define car-lens (match-lens a (cons a b) (cons a b))) > (define cdr-lens (match-lens b (cons a b) (cons a b))) > (define third-lens (match-lens c (list a b c d ...) (list* a b c d))) > (define vector-second-lens (match-lens b (vector a b c ...) (apply vector a b c)))
> (define v2-of-l3-lens (match-lens d (list a b (vector c d e ...) f ...) (list* a b (apply vector c d e) f)))
3.12 Filtering sets
(set-filterer-lens pred)
→ (lens/c functional-set? functional-set?) pred : (-> any/c any/c)
> (lens-view (set-filterer-lens number?) (set 1 'a 2 'b 'c 3 'd 'e)) (set 1 3 2)
> (lens-set (set-filterer-lens number?) (set 1 'a 2 'b 'c 3 'd 'e) (set 4 5 6 7)) (set 5 7 'a 'e 'd 6 4 'c 'b)
> (lens-view (set-filterer-lens number?) '(a 1 2 3)) '(1 2 3)
> (lens-set (set-filterer-lens number?) '(a 1 2 3) '(1 2 3)) '(3 2 1 a)
; this breaks the lens laws according to equal? > (equal? '(a 1 2 3) '(3 2 1 a)) #f
; but not according to set=? > (set=? '(a 1 2 3) '(3 2 1 a)) #t
3.13 Lenses for membership of a set
(set-member-lens v) → (lens/c functional-set? boolean?)
v : any/c
3.14 Splitting Strings
> (lens-view (string-split-lens ",") "a,b,c") '("a" "b" "c")
> (lens-set (string-split-lens ",") "a,b,c" '("1" "2" "3")) "1,2,3"
> (lens-view (string-split-lens ",") ",b,c") '("" "b" "c")
> (lens-set (string-split-lens ",") ",b,c" '("a" "b" "c")) "a,b,c"
> (lens-view (string-split-lens ",") "a,b,c,") '("a" "b" "c" "")
> (lens-set (string-split-lens ",") "a,b,c," '("a" "b" "c" "d")) "a,b,c,d"
3.15 Joining lenses with structs
(lens-join/struct struct-id field-lens ...)
field-lens = lens-expr | field-keyword lens-expr
> (struct foo (a b) #:transparent) > (define lens (lens-join/struct foo first-lens third-lens)) > (lens-view lens '(1 2 3)) (foo 1 3)
> (lens-set lens '(1 2 3) (foo 'a 'b)) '(a 2 b)
> (struct foo (a b) #:transparent) > (lens-view (lens-join/struct foo first-lens third-lens) '(1 2 3)) (foo 1 3)
> (lens-view (lens-join/struct foo #:a first-lens #:b third-lens) '(1 2 3)) (foo 1 3)
> (lens-view (lens-join/struct foo #:b third-lens #:a first-lens) '(1 2 3)) (foo 1 3)
> (lens-view (lens-join/struct foo first-lens #:b third-lens) '(1 2 3)) (foo 1 3)
3.16 Converting between structs and lists
(struct->list-lens struct-id)
(list->struct-lens struct-id)
> (struct foo (a b c) #:transparent) > (lens-view (struct->list-lens foo) (foo 1 2 3)) '(1 2 3)
> (lens-set (struct->list-lens foo) (foo 1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) (foo 4 5 6)
> (lens-view (list->struct-lens foo) '(1 2 3)) (foo 1 2 3)
> (lens-set (list->struct-lens foo) '(1 2 3) (foo 4 5 6)) '(4 5 6)
For structs that inherit from other structs, it puts the inherited fields first, so that it matches the arguments to the constructor:
> (struct foo (a b c) #:transparent) > (struct bar foo (d e)) > (lens-view (struct->list-lens bar) (bar 1 2 3 4 5)) '(1 2 3 4 5)
> (lens-set (struct->list-lens bar) (bar 1 2 3 4 5) '(6 7 8 9 10)) (bar 6 7 8 ...)
> (lens-view (list->struct-lens bar) '(1 2 3 4 5)) (bar 1 2 3 ...)
> (lens-set (list->struct-lens bar) '(1 2 3 4 4) (bar 6 7 8 9 10)) '(6 7 8 9 10)
3.17 Nested struct lenses
(struct-nested-lens [struct-id field-id] ...)
> (struct game (player level) #:transparent) > (struct player (posn stats) #:transparent) > (struct posn (x y) #:transparent) > (struct combat-stats (health attack) #:transparent) > (define the-game (game (player (posn 0 0) (combat-stats 10 1)) 'foo-level)) > the-game (game (player (posn 0 0) (combat-stats 10 1)) 'foo-level)
> (define game-player-health-lens (struct-nested-lens [game player] [player stats] [combat-stats health])) > (lens-view game-player-health-lens the-game) 10
> (lens-set game-player-health-lens the-game 20) (game (player (posn 0 0) (combat-stats 20 1)) 'foo-level)
(struct-nested-lens* struct-id both-id ... field-id)
> (struct game (player level) #:transparent) > (struct player (posn stats) #:transparent) > (struct posn (x y) #:transparent) > (struct combat-stats (health attack) #:transparent) > (define the-game (game (player (posn 0 0) (combat-stats 10 1)) 'foo-level)) > the-game (game (player (posn 0 0) (combat-stats 10 1)) 'foo-level)
> (define game-player-x-lens (struct-nested-lens* game player posn x)) > (lens-view game-player-x-lens the-game) 0
> (lens-set game-player-x-lens the-game 5) (game (player (posn 5 0) (combat-stats 10 1)) 'foo-level)
3.18 Struct-lens provide forms
(struct-lenses-out struct-id)
(struct+lenses-out struct-id)
3.19 Sublist lenses
(sublist-lens i j) → lens?
i : exact-nonnegative-integer? j : exact-nonnegative-integer?
> (lens-view (sublist-lens 1 4) '(0 1 2 3 4 5)) '(1 2 3)
> (lens-set (sublist-lens 1 4) '(0 1 2 3 4 5) '(a b c)) '(0 a b c 4 5)
3.20 Substring Lenses
(substring-lens start end) → (lens/c string? string?)
start : exact-nonnegative-integer? end : exact-nonnegative-integer?
> (lens-view (substring-lens 1 4) "abcdefg") "bcd"
> (lens-set (substring-lens 1 4) "abcdefg" "FOO") "aFOOefg"
> (lens-set (substring-lens 1 4) "kitten" "this string is too long!") substring-lens: contract violation
expected: (string-length-=/c 3)
given: "this string is too long!"
in: an and/c case of
the 3rd argument of
a part of the or/c of
method lens-set
the result result of
((start natural?)
(>=/c start))))
(start end)
(string-length->=/c end)
(string-length-=/c (- end start)))))
contract from:
blaming: top-level
(assuming the contract is correct)
at: <pkgs>/lens-data/lens/private/string/substring.rkt:7.3
3.21 Syntax Lenses
(syntax-lens target-id structure)
(syntax-keyword-seq-lens kw) → lens?
kw : keyword?
> (define foo-kw-seq-lens (syntax-keyword-seq-lens '#:foo)) > (lens-view foo-kw-seq-lens #'(a #:foo c d #:bar f)) #<syntax:/home/root/user/.racket/7.7/pkgs/lens-data/lens/private/syntax/syntax-keyword.rkt:33:7 (c d)>
> (lens-set foo-kw-seq-lens #'(a #:foo c d #:bar f) #'(1 2 3 4 5 6)) #<syntax:/home/root/user/.racket/7.7/pkgs/lens-data/lens/private/syntax/syntax-keyword.rkt:41:11 (a #:foo 1 2 3 4 5 6 #:bar f)>
> (define foo-kw-seq-lens (syntax-keyword-seq-lens '#:foo)) > (lens-view foo-kw-seq-lens #'(a b f g)) #<syntax:/home/root/user/.racket/7.7/pkgs/lens-data/lens/private/syntax/syntax-keyword.rkt:27:43 ()>
> (lens-view foo-kw-seq-lens #'(a #:foo #:bar f)) #<syntax:/home/root/user/.racket/7.7/pkgs/lens-data/lens/private/syntax/syntax-keyword.rkt:33:7 ()>
> (lens-set foo-kw-seq-lens #'(a #:foo #:bar f) #'(1 2 3 4 5 6)) #<syntax:/home/root/user/.racket/7.7/pkgs/lens-data/lens/private/syntax/syntax-keyword.rkt:41:11 (a #:foo 1 2 3 4 5 6 #:bar f)>
> (lens-set foo-kw-seq-lens #'(a b f g) #'(these are ignored)) #<syntax:/home/root/user/.racket/7.7/pkgs/lens-data/lens/private/syntax/syntax-keyword.rkt:41:11 (a b f g)>
3.22 Syntax object lenses based on syntax/stx
(lens-set stx->list-lens #'(a . (b c)) '(1 2 3))
#'(1 . (2 3))
#'(1 2 3)
> (lens-view stx->list-lens #'(a b c)) '(#<syntax:eval:8:0 a> #<syntax:eval:8:0 b> #<syntax:eval:8:0 c>)
> (lens-set stx->list-lens #'(a b c) '(1 2 3)) #<syntax:eval:9:0 (1 2 3)>
(stx-map-lens lens) → lens?
lens : lens?
This is the syntax version of map-lens.
> (lens-view (stx-map-lens stx-car-lens) #'((a b) (c d) (e f))) '(#<syntax:eval:8:0 a> #<syntax:eval:8:0 c> #<syntax:eval:8:0 e>)
> (lens-set (stx-map-lens stx-car-lens) #'((a b) (c d) (e f)) #'(1 2 3)) #<syntax:eval:9:0 ((1 b) (2 d) (3 f))>
These are the syntax versions of car-lens and cdr-lens.
> (lens-view stx-car-lens #'(a . b)) #<syntax:eval:8:0 a>
> (lens-view stx-cdr-lens #'(a . b)) #<syntax:eval:9:0 b>
> (lens-set stx-car-lens #'(a . b) #'1) #<syntax:eval:10:0 (1 . b)>
> (lens-set stx-cdr-lens #'(a . b) #'1) #<syntax:eval:11:0 (a . 1)>
> (lens-view stx-caddr-lens #'(a b c d)) #<syntax:eval:8:0 c>
> (lens-set stx-caddr-lens #'(a b c d) #'1) #<syntax:eval:9:0 (a b 1 d)>
This is the syntax version of append*-lens.
> (lens-view stx-append*-lens #'((a) (b c) () (d e f)))
'(#<syntax:eval:8:0 a>
#<syntax:eval:8:0 b>
#<syntax:eval:8:0 c>
#<syntax:eval:8:0 d>
#<syntax:eval:8:0 e>
#<syntax:eval:8:0 f>)
> (lens-set stx-append*-lens #'((a) (b c) () (d e f)) #'(1 2 3 4 5 6)) #<syntax:eval:9:0 ((1) (2 3) () (4 5 6))>
(stx-flatten/depth-lens n) → lens?
n : exact-nonnegative-integer?
This is the syntax version of flatten/depth-lens.
> (lens-view (stx-flatten/depth-lens 0) #'42) '(#<syntax:eval:8:0 42>)
> (lens-set (stx-flatten/depth-lens 0) #'42 #'(43)) #<syntax:eval:9:0 43>
> (lens-view (stx-flatten/depth-lens 1) #'(a b c)) #<syntax:eval:10:0 (a b c)>
> (lens-set (stx-flatten/depth-lens 1) #'(a b c) #'(1 2 3)) #<syntax:eval:11:0 (1 2 3)>
> (lens-view (stx-flatten/depth-lens 2) #'((a) (b c) () (d e f)))
'(#<syntax:eval:12:0 a>
#<syntax:eval:12:0 b>
#<syntax:eval:12:0 c>
#<syntax:eval:12:0 d>
#<syntax:eval:12:0 e>
#<syntax:eval:12:0 f>)
> (lens-set (stx-flatten/depth-lens 2) #'((a) (b c) () (d e f)) #'(1 2 3 4 5 6)) #<syntax:eval:13:0 ((1) (2 3) () (4 5 6))>
> (lens-view (stx-flatten/depth-lens 3) #'(((a) ()) (() (b) (c)) () ((d e) () (f))))
'(#<syntax:eval:14:0 a>
#<syntax:eval:14:0 b>
#<syntax:eval:14:0 c>
#<syntax:eval:14:0 d>
#<syntax:eval:14:0 e>
#<syntax:eval:14:0 f>)
> (lens-set (stx-flatten/depth-lens 3) #'(((a) ()) (() (b) (c)) () ((d e) () (f))) #'(1 2 3 4 5 6)) #<syntax:eval:15:0 (((1) ()) (() (2) (3)) () ((4 5) () (6)))>
(stx-append*n-lens n) → lens?
n : exact-nonnegative-integer?
3.23 Syntax object source locations
> (lens-view syntax-srcloc-lens #'here) (srcloc 'eval 8 0 8 1)
> (lens-set syntax-srcloc-lens #'here (srcloc "a.rkt" 5 8 55 13)) #<syntax:a.rkt:5:8 here>
> (syntax-source (lens-set syntax-srcloc-lens #'here (srcloc "a.rkt" 5 8 55 13))) "a.rkt"
> (syntax-position (lens-set syntax-srcloc-lens #'here (srcloc "a.rkt" 5 8 55 13))) 55
> (lens-view syntax-source-lens #'here) 'eval
> (lens-set syntax-source-lens #'here "a.rkt") #<syntax:a.rkt:9:0 here>
> (syntax-source (lens-set syntax-source-lens #'here "a.rkt")) "a.rkt"
: (lens/c syntax? (or/c exact-positive-integer? #f))
> (lens-view syntax-line-lens #'here) 8
> (lens-set syntax-line-lens #'here 8) #<syntax:eval:8:0 here>
> (syntax-line (lens-set syntax-line-lens #'here 8)) 8
: (lens/c syntax? (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f))
> (lens-view syntax-column-lens #'here) 0
> (lens-set syntax-column-lens #'here 13) #<syntax:eval:9:13 here>
> (syntax-column (lens-set syntax-column-lens #'here 13)) 13
: (lens/c syntax? (or/c exact-positive-integer? #f))
> (lens-view syntax-position-lens #'here) 8
> (lens-set syntax-position-lens #'here 21) #<syntax:eval:9:0 here>
> (syntax-position (lens-set syntax-position-lens #'here 21)) 21
: (lens/c syntax? (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f))
> (lens-view syntax-span-lens #'here) 1
> (lens-set syntax-span-lens #'here 34) #<syntax:eval:9:0 here>
> (syntax-span (lens-set syntax-span-lens #'here 34)) 34
source-location->srcloc-lens : (lens/c source-location? srcloc?)
: (lens/c source-location? source-location-list?)
: (lens/c source-location? source-location-vector?)
source-location-source-lens : (lens/c source-location? any/c)
: (lens/c source-location? (or/c exact-positive-integer? #f))
: (lens/c source-location? (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f))
: (lens/c source-location? (or/c exact-positive-integer? #f))
: (lens/c source-location? (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? #f))
3.24 More Viewing and Setting
(lens-set-all target new-view lens ...) → any/c
target : any/c new-view : any/c lens : lens?
> (lens-set-all '(1 2 3 4 5) 'a first-lens third-lens fourth-lens) '(a 2 a a 5)
3.25 Lenses that transform subpieces
(lens-transform zoom-lens target (λ (v) (lens-view transform-lens v)))
> (define first-zoom-second-lens (lens-zoom first-lens second-lens)) > (lens-view first-zoom-second-lens '((1 2 3) b c)) '(2 b c)
> (lens-set first-zoom-second-lens '((1 2 3) b c) '(2000 b FOO)) '((1 2000 3) b FOO)
(lens-zoom* zoom-lens transform-lens ... ...) → lens?
zoom-lens : lens? transform-lens : lens?
> (define first-zoom-second/third-zoom-first-lens (lens-zoom* first-lens second-lens third-lens first-lens)) > (lens-view first-zoom-second/third-zoom-first-lens '((1 2 3) foo (a b c))) '(2 foo a)
> (lens-set first-zoom-second/third-zoom-first-lens '((1 2 3) foo (a b c)) '(200 FOO asdf)) '((1 200 3) FOO (asdf b c))