source code: https://github.com/AlexKnauth/multi-file-lang
#lang multi-file | package: multi-file-lang |
A #lang language for writing multiple files as one file.
Different files are separated by #file followed by the file name.
Each file is created with a path relative to the multi-file source file.
If a sub-file is not a #lang file (according to lang-file?),
multi-file does not run it, but it is still created so that
other files can read from it.
For example this file:
#lang multi-file #file a.rkt #lang racket/base (provide x f) (define x 3) (define (f x) (string-append "hello" (make-string x #\!))) (f 1) #file b.rkt #lang racket/base (require "a.rkt") x (f x)
Would create the files a.rkt and b.rkt in the same
directory as this file, and running this file would run both of them.
And this file:
#lang multi-file #file a.rkt #lang racket/base (read-line (open-input-file "data/text.txt")) #file data/text.txt I'm not code, I'm just text in a text file.