

source code:

A #lang language for writing multiple files as one file.
Different files are separated by #file  followed by the file name. Each file is created with a path relative to the multi-file source file.
If a sub-file is not a #lang file (according to lang-file?), multi-file does not run it, but it is still created so that other files can read from it.
For example this file:
#lang multi-file
#file a.rkt
#lang racket/base
(provide x f)
(define x 3)
(define (f x) (string-append "hello" (make-string x #\!)))
(f 1)
#file b.rkt
#lang racket/base
(require "a.rkt")
(f x)
Would create the files a.rkt and b.rkt in the same directory as this file, and running this file would run both of them.
And this file:
#lang multi-file
#file a.rkt
#lang racket/base
(read-line (open-input-file "data/text.txt"))
#file data/text.txt
I'm not code, I'm just text in a text file.
Would create the file a.rkt in the same directory as this file, and the file data/text.txt relative to this file. Running this file would only run a.rkt because data/text.txt is not a #lang file or a module file.