1 Querying Package Catalogs
(get-package name [#:client client]) → (option/c package-details?)
name : immutable-string? client : package-client? = (current-package-client)
Looks up the package name using client
and returns
information about the package, or absent if it doesn’t exist.
(get-all-packages [#:client client]) → (set/c package-details?)
client : package-client? = (current-package-client)
Returns all packages in the package catalog that client connects to.
(get-dependency-graph [#:client client]) → multidict?
client : package-client? = (current-package-client)
Returns all dependency relationships in the package catalog, in the form of a
multidict mapping package names to the names of their dependencies.
(get-transitive-dependencies pkg [ #:client client]) → (set/c immutable-string?) pkg : immutable-string? client : package-client? = (current-package-client)
Queries the package catalog with client and returns a set of all
dependencies of pkg, including both direct and indirect dependencies.
(get-transitive-clients pkg [ #:client client]) → (set/c immutable-string?) pkg : immutable-string? client : package-client? = (current-package-client)
Queries the package catalog with client and returns a set of all
clients of pkg — that is, all packages that depend on
pkg — including both direct and indirect clients.