1 Definitions
The body of a plaitypus module is a sequence of definitions and expressions, and the module implicitly exports all top-level definitions. When a plaitypus module is imported into a module that does not use plaitypus, the imports have contracts (matching reflecting the exported bindings’ types).
(define id expr)
(define id : type expr) (define (id id/type ...) expr) (define (id id/type ...) : type expr)
id/type = id | [id : type]
The expr in each of the first two forms is evaluated to get the value of id. In the first form, the type of id is inferred at the type of expr, while the second form declares a specific type for id.
The third and fourth forms define id as a function, where each id/type is a function argument (with an optional declare type) and expr is the body of the function, which is evaluated when the function is called. In the fourth form, a type before the body expr declares the function’s result type (which must match the type of expr).
Note that the first and second forms of define also define functions in the case that expr produces a function, such as when expr is a lambda form. The third and fourth forms are simplify shorthands for defining a function.
Evaluating a reference to id before its definition is evaluated triggers an “undefined identifier” error.
> (define a 1) > a - number
> (define b : number (+ 1 2)) > b - number
> (define (c x) (+ x b)) > (c 3) - number
> (define (d [y : number]) : number (c y)) > (d 4) - number
(define-values (id/type ...) expr)
id/type = id | [id : type]
> (define t (values 1 'one "One")) > (define-values (a b c) t) > a - number
> (define-values ([x : number] [b : symbol] [c : string]) t) > c - string
(define-type tyid/abs [variant-id (field-id : type)] ...)
tyid/abs = id | (id 'arg-id ...)
A constructor variant-id is defined for each variant. Each constructor takes an argument for each field of its variant, where the type of each field is declared by the type after each field-id. The result type of each constructor is id.
Instances of a type declared with define-type are normally used through type-case.
In addition to the type and constructors, a define-type expression also defines:
for each variant, a predicate variant-id? that returns #t when applied to an instance of variant-id and #f for any other value; and
for each field of each variant, an accessor variant-id-field-id that takes a instance of variant-id and returns the value of the field corresponding to field-id.
> (define-type Shape [circle (radius : number)] [rectangle (width : number) (height : number)]) > (define c (circle 10)) > c - Shape
(circle 10)
> (circle? c) - boolean
> (circle-radius c) - number
> (define r (rectangle 2 3)) > (+ (rectangle-width r) (rectangle-height r)) - number
(define-type-alias tyid/abs type)
tyid/abs = id | (id 'arg-id ...)
> (define-type-alias size number) - number
> (define (square-area [side : size]) (* side side)) > (square-area 10) - number
(require spec ...)
spec = module-path | (typed-in module-path [id : type] ...) | (opaque-type-in module-path [type-id predicate-id] ...) | (rename-in spec [orig-id new-id] ...)
When a module-path is not wrapped with typed-in or opaque-type-in, then module-path must refer to a module that is implemented with plaitypus.
When module-path is wrapped with typed-in, then only the specified ids are imported from module-path, and the type system assumes (without static or additional dynamic checks) the given type for each id.
When module-path is wrapped with opaque-type-in, then the corresponding type-ids are bound as opaque datatypes, where predicate-id from module-path is a run-time predicate (used for contracts as needed for cooperation with untyped code) for instances of the datatype.
(trace id ...)
(module id module-path form ...)
(module sub plaitypus (define n 8)) (require 'sub) (+ n 1)
(module+ id form ...)
(module+ test (test 11 (add-one 10))) (define (add-one n) (+ 1 n))
(include path-spec)
(define-syntax-rule (id pattern ...) template)
(define-syntax id macro-expr)
(define-syntax (id arg-id) macro-body ...)
macro = (syntax-rules ....) | (lambda ....)
A macro of the form
(define-syntax-rule (id pattern ...) template)
is equivalent to
(define-syntax id (syntax-rules () [(id pattern ...) template]))
(splice form ...)