RackUnit Spec: BDD interface for RackUnit
(require rackunit/spec) | package: rackunit-spec |
This library implements forms to assist with writing tests using the style associated with behavior-driven development on top of rackunit.
> (describe "add1" (context "given a number" (it "increments it by one" (check-equal? (add1 0) 1) (check-equal? (add1 -5) -4) (check-equal? (add1 41) 42))) (context "given a non-number" (it "throws an exception" (check-exn exn:fail:contract? (thunk (add1 "hello"))))))
> (define (broken-fibonacci n) (cond [(= n 0) 0] [(= n 1) 1] [else (+ (broken-fibonacci (- n 1)) (broken-fibonacci (- n 1)))]))
> (describe "broken-fibonacci" (context "given a positive integer" (it "returns the nth fibonacci number" (check-equal? (broken-fibonacci 6) 8))))
given a positive integer
returns the nth fibonacci number
name: check-equal?
location: eval:3:0
actual: 32
expected: 8
Used to annotate groups of tests contained within it blocks. The describe and
context forms are identical in behavior, but the context form can be used to more
clearly specify that the description refers to a particular condition rather than a form or function
being described.
(it description-str body-expr ...+)