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2.4 Enum Types

 (require rebellion/type/enum) package: rebellion

An enum type is a simple kind of data type made up of a small fixed set of named values. Enum types are useful for representing groups of related constants, such as primary colors and directions.

(define-enum-type direction (up down left right))
(define-tuple-type point (x y))
(define/contract (point-move pt dir amount)
  (-> point? direction? real? point?)
  (define x (point-x pt))
  (define y (point-y pt))
    [(equal? dir up) (point x (+ y amount))]
    [(equal? dir down) (point x (- y amount))]
    [(equal? dir left) (point (- x amount) y)]
    [(equal? dir right) (point (+ x amount) y)]))


> (point-move (point 2 2) up 5)

(point 2 7)

> (point-move (point 1 4) left 10)

(point -9 4)

> (point-move (point 1 4) 'up 5)

point-move: contract violation

  expected: direction?

  given: 'up

  in: the 2nd argument of

      (-> point? direction? real? point?)

  contract from: (function point-move)

  blaming: top-level

   (assuming the contract is correct)

  at: eval:4.0


(define-enum-type id (case-id ...) enum-option ...)

enum-option = #:predicate-name predicate-id
  | #:property-maker property-maker
  property-maker : 
(-> uninitialized-singleton-descriptor?
    (listof (cons/c struct-type-property? any/c)))
Creates an enum type named id. Each case-id is bound to a constant, and predicate-id is bound to a predicate that returns #t when given any of the constants and returns #f for all other values. If #:predicate-name is not given, then predicate-id defaults to id?.

> (define-enum-type suit (diamonds clubs hearts spades))
> (suit? diamonds)


> (suit? 42)


> spades
