4.1 The teiHeader Element
TEI element
Required order:
TEI element
Required order:
TEI element
The teiHeader element contains exactly (in order) one fileDesc element followed by one profileDesc element.The fileDesc element contains exactly (in order) the titleStmt, publicationStmt, and sourceDesc elements.
The profileDesc element contains only the textClass element.
4.1.1 The Title Statement
The titleStmt contains one title element, one or more author elements, and zero or more editor elements. These may be intermixed freely in any order.As a special case, there must always be an author element representing Paul Ricœur, which should be exactly as follows:<author xml:id="ricoeur">Paul Ricoeur</author>
The title element contains free-form text. It must not be empty.
TEI element
any/c This element may contain free-form text.
The author element contains free-form text (the author’s name) and may have an optional xml:id attribute. As a special case, the ID "ricoeur" is reserved for use with Paul Ricœur across all documents.
TEI element
(or/c "editor" "translator" "compiler" "preface")
(not/c "ricoeur") This element may contain free-form text.
The editor element contains free-form text (the editor’s name) and has optional role and xml:id attributes. If the role attribute is present, its value must be either "editor", "translator", "compiler", or "preface" (to indicate the author of a preface). Ommiting the role attribute is equivalent to a value of "editor".If a type of editor arises that does not fit neatly into these categories, we should decide on a standard value for the role attribute and amend this document.
4.1.2 The Publication Statement
TEI element
TEI element
This element may contain free-form text.
TEI element
"restricted" Required attributes:
The publicationStmt, which contains the authority and availability elements, should be exactly as follows:
<authority>Digital Ricoeur</authority>
<availability status="restricted">
<p>Not for distribution.</p>
4.1.3 The Source Description
TEI element
TEI element
This element may contain free-form text.
TEI element
(or/c "this" "original" "thisIsOriginal") Required attributes:
when, type, and subtype
This element may contain free-form text.
The sourceDesc element must contain exactly one bibl element.The bibl element contains free-form text, which provides a citation to the source from which the digitized document was created, and either one or two date elements mark up the parts of that text which refer to the publication date(s):
If the digitized document is based on the first instance to be published in any language, there must be one date element with a subtype of "thisIsOriginal" marking that date.
Otherwise, there must be two date elements: one with a subtype of "this" marking the publication date of the specific instance from which the digitized document was prepared, and one with a subtype of "original" giving the first publication date in any language.
For compilations of articles, the "thisIsOriginal" or "original" date refers to the first publication of the collection as a whole.
In either case, make sure that the textual content of the bibl element as a whole is understandable if displayed without the tags, as it will be shown in that format to end-users.
The date element contains free-form text representing the human-readable publication date. It must have:
a type attribute with a value of "publication";
a subtype attribute with a value of "this", "original", or "thisIsOriginal"; and
a when attribute giving the date in machine-readable format, which must be a subset of the format required by TEI: "YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM", or "YYYY", where the month and day, if present, must allways be two digits (e.g. 01 for January).
<bibl>Fallible Man. Introduction by C.A. Kelbley. Chicago: Henry Regnery, <date type="publication" subtype="this" when="1965">1965</date>, xxix-224 p. (Paper: Gateway Editions). Revised edition in 1986. First published in French in <date type="publication" subtype="original" when="1960">1960@litchar{</date>}.@litchar{</bibl>}
<bibl>Can Fictional Narratives be true? Analecta Husserliana Vol. XIV (<date type="publication" subtype="thisIsOriginal" when="1983">1983</date>) 3-19.</bibl>
4.1.4 The Text Classification
TEI element
(or/c "https://schema.digitalricoeur.org/taxonomy/type#article" "https://schema.digitalricoeur.org/taxonomy/type#book") Required attributes:
scheme and target
The catRef element contains nothing. It has two attributes, scheme and target, both of which are required. This element encodes whether the document is a book or an article. The scheme attribute must have the value "https://schema.digitalricoeur.org/taxonomy/type". The value for the target attribute must be either:
"https://schema.digitalricoeur.org/taxonomy/type#article", if the document is an article; or
"https://schema.digitalricoeur.org/taxonomy/type#book", if the document is a book.
TEI element
"https://schema.digitalricoeur.org/tools/tei-guess-paragraphs" Required attributes:
TEI element
This element may contain free-form text.
The keywords element is currently used to encode flags for the guess-paragraphs tool. It must have a scheme attribute with a value of "https://schema.digitalricoeur.org/tools/tei-guess-paragraphs". The keywords element must contain exactly one term element.The term element contains immediate text, but its contents must conform to the vocabulary prescribed by the scheme attribute of its parent keywords element. Currently, its contents must be exactly one of the following: todo; line-breaks; blank-lines; done; or skip. Only the todo value should be entered manually.