5 Reference
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@secref["Reference" #:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
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@secref["Reference" #:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
5.1 Account Reference
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#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
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#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
A local player’s account is made of a name and a zone
which represents the current zone of the world the player is in.
5.2 Engine Reference
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#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
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#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
Start the game engine with options defining the width, height, and title of the
window, loading a given local world using account as the player.
height and
title of the main game window,
when passed to
5.3 Quest Reference
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#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
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#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
The Quest language is a DSL for writing game worlds in Rilouworld.
You’ll find below the complete description of the language.
For an easy introduction to it, you might want to read Introduction to the Quest language.
5.3.1 The Quest language
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#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
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#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
(world (name world-name) | (uuid world-uuid) | (version world-version) | (description world-desc) | (changelog change-expr ...) | (authors author-expr ...) | (resources resource ...) | (zones zone ...)) |
change-expr | | = | | (change (version change-version) | (date change-date) | maybe-breaking | change-desc) |
| | | | | | maybe-breaking | | = | | (breaking) | | | | | | author-expr | | = | | (author maybe-section author-name) | | | | | | maybe-section | | = | | | | | | | | (section section-name) |
Create a new playable world.
(zone zone-id | (name zone-name) | (map zone-map) | (type zone-type) | (rectangles rectangle ...) | (actors actor ...)) |
zone-type | | = | | inside | | | | | | outside |
Declare a zone of your world with a unique identifier zone-id in which actors can exist.
5.3.2 Using Quest as a module
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#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
Link to this section with
#:doc '(lib "rilouworld/scribblings/rilouworld.scrbl")]
You can require the Quest language as a module in your code in order to manipulate actors,
load, save and verify quest files.
Using Quest as a module will not execute the language, generate worlds or actors, it’ll just give
you access to useful tools to handle quest files.