RSVG: an FFI binding for loading SVG images
(require rsvg) | package: rsvg |
This library provides functions for loading SVG images as Racket bitmap objects through an FFI binding to libRSVG. The resulting bitmap objects can then be freely manipulated with the racket/draw or pict libraries.
(svg-port->pict port [α]) → pict?
port : input-port? α : real? = 1.0
Loads an SVG document from port and returns a pict
object scaled by α with the SVG document rendered in it.
Raises an exn:fail exception when the SVG document fails to load.
(svg-file->pict file [α]) → pict?
file : path-string? α : real? = 1.0
Like svg-port->pict, but takes a path string argument
instead of an input port.
(load-svg-bitmap port [α]) → (is-a?/c bitmap%)
port : input-port? α : real? = 1.0
Like svg-port->pict, but renders straight to bitmap.
(load-svg-from-file file [α]) → (is-a?/c bitmap%)
file : path-string? α : real? = 1.0
Like load-svg-bitmap, but takes a path string argument
instead of an input port.