proc/  c
define/  sig


Scott Moore

 (require signature) package: signature

Syntax classes and utilities for defining function signatures with contracts, including an alternative syntax for indy-dependent contracts.


(proc/c argument ... optional-rest -> result ...)

argument = id+ctc
  | keyword id+ctc
id+ctc = id-or-optional
  | (id-or-optional : contract-expr)
id-or-optional = id
  | [id]
optional-rest = 
  | .. id+ctc
result = (id+ctc)
The proc/c defines an indy-dependent contract like ->i. Unlike ->i, proc/c does not require contract expressions to declare dependencies on other arguments. Instead, it infers them automatically using the names of arguments and result values declared in the signature. Warning: proc/c is not currently as efficient as ->i and has a higher performance overhead.

For example, the contract:
(->i ([x number?]
      [y (x) (>=/c x)])
     [result (x y) (and/c number? (>=/c (+ x y)))])
can be written as the following.

(proc/c (x : number?) (y : (>=/c x)) -> (result : (and/c number? (>=/c (+ x y)))))

Unlike ->i, mandatory and optional arguments are not specified separately. The contract
(->i (#:x [x number?])
     (#:y [y (x) (>=/c x)])
     [result (x y) (and/c number? (>=/c (+ x y)))])
can be written as the following.

(proc/c #:x (x : number?) #:y ([y] : (>=/c x)) -> (result : (and/c number? (>=/c (+ x y)))))

Like ->i, the contract expressions are not always evaluated in order. If there are optional arguments that are not supplied, then the corresponding variables will be bound to a special value called the-unsupplied-arg value.


(define/sig (id argument ... optional-rest -> result ...)
  body ...)
argument = id+ctc
  | keyword id+ctc
id+ctc = id-or-optional/default
  | (id-or-optional : contract-expr)
id-or-optional/default = id
  | [id default-expr]
optional-rest = 
  | .. id+ctc
result = (id+ctc)
Defines a procedure with the given signature and applies the corresponding contract.

For example,
(define/sig (add #:x (x : number?) #:y ([y x] : (>=/c x)) -> (result : (and/c number? (>=/c (+ x y)))))
  (+ x y))
is equivalent to the following.
(define/contract (add #:x x #:y [y x])
  (proc/c (#:x (x : number?) #:y ([y] : (>=/c x))) -> (result : (and/c number? (>=/c (+ x y)))))
  (+ x y))