11 Text
(require simple-svg) | package: simple-svg |
(svg-def-text text [ #:font-size? font-size? #:font-family? font-family? #:dx? dx? #:dy? dy? #:rotate? rotate? #:textLength? textLength? #:kerning? kerning? #:letter-space? letter-space? #:word-space? word-space? #:text-decoration? text-decoration? #:path? path? #:path-startOffset? path-startOffset?]) → string? text : string? font-size? : (or/c #f natural?) = #f font-family? : (or/c #f string?) = #f dx? : (or/c #f integer?) = #f dy? : (or/c #f integer?) = #f rotate? : (or/c #f (listof integer?)) = #f textLength? : (or/c #f natural?) = #f kerning? : (or/c #f natural? 'auto 'inherit) = #f letter-space? : (or/c #f natural? 'normal 'inherit) = #f word-space? : (or/c #f natural? 'normal 'inherit) = #f
text-decoration? : (or/c #f 'overline 'underline 'line-through) = #f path? : (or/c #f string?) = #f path-startOffset? : (or/c #f (integer-in 0 100)) = #f
dx, dy: relative position.
kerning, letter-space, word-space: all about letter and word spaces.
(let ([text (svg-def-text "城春草木深" #:font-size? 50)] [_sstyle (sstyle-new)]) (sstyle-set! _sstyle 'fill "#ED6E46") (svg-use-shape text _sstyle #:at? '(30 . 50)) (svg-show-default))
rotate: a list of rotate angles, it represent each letter’s rotate, only one means each letter have same angle.
(let ([text (svg-def-text "城春草木深" #:font-size? 50 #:rotate? '(10 20 30 40 50) #:textLength? 300)] [_sstyle (sstyle-new)]) (sstyle-set! _sstyle 'fill "#ED6E46") (svg-use-shape text _sstyle #:at? '(30 . 60)) (svg-show-default))
(let ( [text1 (svg-def-text "国破山河在" #:font-size? 50 #:text-decoration? 'overline)] [text2 (svg-def-text "国破山河在" #:font-size? 50 #:text-decoration? 'underline)] [text3 (svg-def-text "国破山河在" #:font-size? 50 #:text-decoration? 'line-through)] [_sstyle (sstyle-new)] ) (sstyle-set! _sstyle 'fill "#ED6E46") (svg-use-shape text1 _sstyle #:at? '(30 . 60)) (svg-use-shape text2 _sstyle #:at? '(30 . 160)) (svg-use-shape text3 _sstyle #:at? '(30 . 260)) (svg-show-default))
let text follow a path:
(let* ([path (svg-def-path (lambda () (svg-path-moveto* '(10 . 60)) (svg-path-qcurve* '(110 . 10) '(210 . 60)) (svg-path-qcurve* '(310 . 110) '(410 . 60))))] [path_sstyle (sstyle-new)] [text (svg-def-text "国破山河在 城春草木深 感时花溅泪 恨别鸟惊心" #:path? path #:path-startOffset? 5)] [text_sstyle (sstyle-new)]) (sstyle-set! _sstyle 'fill "#ED6E46") (svg-use-shape path path_sstyle #:hidden? #t) (svg-use-shape text text_sstyle) (svg-show-default))