On this page:
3.1 xlsx%
3.2 Data Sheet
3.2.1 Set Col Width
3.2.2 Set Row Height
3.2.3 Freeze Pane
3.3 Add Style to Data Sheet
3.3.1 Background Color
3.3.2 Font Style
3.3.3 Number Format
3.3.4 Border Style
3.3.5 Date Format
3.3.6 Cell Alignment
3.4 Chart Sheet
3.4.1 add chart sheet
3.5 write file

3 Write

 (require simple-xlsx) package: simple-xlsx

write a xlsx file use xlsx% class.

use add-data-sheet method to add data type sheet to xlsx.

use add-chart-sheet method to add chart type sheet to xlsx.

3.1 xlsx%


(struct xlsx% ())

xlsx% class represent a whole xlsx file’s data.

it contains data sheet or chart sheet.

3.2 Data Sheet

data sheet is a sheet contains data only.

add data sheet:

sheet data just a list contains list: (list (list cell ...) (list cell ...)...).

(let ([xlsx (new xlsx%)])
  (send xlsx add-data-sheet
    #:sheet_name "Sheet1"
    #:sheet_data '(("chenxiao" "cx") (1 2))))
3.2.1 Set Col Width

column width is be set automatically by content’s width.

if you want to set it manually, use set-data-sheet-col-width! method

for example:
;; set column A, B width: 50
(send xlsx set-data-sheet-col-width!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheet"
  #:col_range "A-B" #:width 50)

3.2.2 Set Row Height

for example:
;; set rows 2-4 height: 20
(send xlsx set-data-sheet-row-height!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle2"
  #:row_range "2-4" #:height 30)

3.2.3 Freeze Pane

use set-data-sheet-freeze-pane! to set a freeze range: ’(rows . cols)

;; freeze 1 row and 1 col
(send xlsx set-data-sheet-freeze-pane! #:sheet_name "DataSheet" #:range '(1 . 1))

3.3 Add Style to Data Sheet

you can add various style to a data sheet.

includes background color, font style, number format, border style, date format.

add-data-sheet-cell-style! set cells styles.

add-data-sheet-row-style! set rows styles.

add-data-sheet-col-style! set cols styles.

styles format:

'( (backgroundColor . "FF0000") (fontSize . 20) )

you can set cell, row, col style any times, it’s a pile effect.

it means:

if the latter style has same style property, it’ll overwrite this property.

if not, it’ll add this property.

it also means the order you set style is important.

(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheet"
  #:cell_range "B2-C3"
  #:style '( (backgroundColor . "FF0000") ))
(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheet"
  #:cell_range "C3-D4"
  #:style '( (fontSize . 30) ))
(send xlsx add-data-sheet-row-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle2"
  #:row_range "1-3" #:style '( (backgroundColor . "00C851") ))
(send xlsx add-data-sheet-col-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle2"
  #:col_range "4-6" #:style '( (backgroundColor . "AA66CC") ))

the C2’s style is

'( (backgroundColor . "AA66CC") )

the D3’s style is

'( (backgroundColor . "AA66CC") (fontSize . 30) )

the C3’s style is

( (backgroundColor . "00C851") (fontSize . 30) )

(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheet"
  #:cell_range "B2-C3"
  #:style '( (backgroundColor . "FF0000") ))
(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheet"
  #:cell_range "C3-D4"
  #:style '( (backgroundColor . "0000FF") ))
the C3’s style is ’( (backgroundColor . "0000FF") )

3.3.1 Background Color


rgb color or color name.

(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle"
  #:cell_range "A2-B3"
  #:style '( (backgroundColor . "00C851") ))
3.3.2 Font Style

'fontSize 'fontColor 'fontName

fontSize: integer? default is 11.

fontColor: rgb color or colorname.

fontName: system font name.

(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle"
  #:cell_range "B3-C4"
  #:style '( (fontSize . 20) (fontName . "Impact") (fontColor . "FF8800") ))
3.3.3 Number Format

'numberPercent 'numberPrecision 'numberThousands

numberPrecision: non-exact-integer?

numberPercent: boolean?

numberThousands: boolean?

(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle"
  #:cell_range "E2-E2"
  #:style '(
            (numberPercent . #t)
            (numberPrecision . 2)
            (numberThousands . #t)
3.3.4 Border Style

'borderStyle 'borderColor


'left 'right 'top 'bottom 'all


'thin 'medium 'thick 'dashed 'thinDashed


'mediumDashed 'thickDashed 'double 'hair 'dotted


'dashDot 'dashDotDot 'mediumDashDot 'mediumDashDotDot



borderColor: rgb color or color name.

(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle"
  #:cell_range "B2-C4"
  #:style '( (borderStyle . dashed) (borderColor . "blue")))
3.3.5 Date Format


year: yyyy, month: mm, day: dd

(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle"
  #:cell_range "F2-F2"
  #:style '( (dateFormat . "yyyy-mm-dd") ))
(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle"
  #:cell_range "F2-F2"
  #:style '( (dateFormat . "yyyy/mm/dd") ))
3.3.6 Cell Alignment

'horizontalAlign 'verticalAlign

horizontalAlign: ’left ’right ’center

verticalAlign: ’top ’bottom ’middle

(send xlsx add-data-sheet-cell-style!
  #:sheet_name "DataSheetWithStyle2"
  #:cell_range "G5"
  #:style '( (horizontalAlign . left) ))

3.4 Chart Sheet

chart sheet is a sheet contains chart only.

chart sheet use data sheet’s data to constuct chart.

chart type now can have: linechart, linechart3d, barchart, barchart3d, piechart, piechart3d

3.4.1 add chart sheet

default chart_type is linechart or set chart type

chart type is one of these: line, line3d, bar, bar3d, pie, pie3d

(send xlsx add-chart-sheet
  #:sheet_name "LineChart1"
  #:topic "Horizontal Data"
  #:x_topic "Kg")
(send xlsx add-chart-sheet
  #:sheet_name "LineChart1"
  #:chart_type 'bar
  #:topic "Horizontal Data"
  #:x_topic "Kg")

set-chart-x-data! and add-chart-serail!:

use this two methods to set chart’s x axis data and y axis data

only one x axis data and multiple y axis data

(send xlsx set-chart-x-data!
  #:sheet_name "LineChart1"
  #:data_sheet_name "DataSheet"
  #:data_range "B1-D1")
(send xlsx add-chart-serial!
  #:sheet_name "LineChart1"
  #:data_sheet_name "DataSheet"
  #:data_range "B2-D2" #:y_topic "CAT")

3.5 write file


(write-xlsx-file xlsx path)  void?

  xlsx : (xlsx%)
  path : (path-string?)
write xlsx% to xlsx file.