soundex:   Soundex Hashing
1 Introduction
2 Characters, Ordinals, and Codes
3 Hashing
4 Prefixing
soundex-nara/  prefixing
soundex-old/  prefixing
soundex/  p
5 History
6 Legal

soundex: Soundex Hashing

Neil Van Dyke

 (require soundex) package: soundex

1 Introduction

The soundex package provides an implementation in Racket of the Soundex indexing hash function as specified somewhat loosely by US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publication [Soundex], and verified empirically against test cases from various sources. Both the current NARA function and the older version with different handling of ‘H’ and ‘W’ are supported.
  • [GIL-55] US National Archives and Records Administration, “Using the Census Soundex,” General Information Leaflet 55, 1995.

  • [Soundex] US National Archives and Records Administration, “The Soundex Indexing System,” 2000-02-19.

Additionally, a nonstandard prefix-guessing function that is an invention of this package permits additional Soundex keys to be generated from a string,increasing recall.

2 Characters, Ordinals, and Codes

To facilitate possible future support of other input character sets, this library employs a character ordinal abstract representation of the letters used by Soundex. The ordinal value is an integer from 0 to 25—corresponding to the 26 letters ‘A’ through ‘Z’, respectively—and can be used for fast mapping via vectors. Most applications need not be aware of this.


(soundex-ordinal? x)  boolean?

  x : any/c
Predicate for whether or not x is a Soundex ordinal.


(soundex-ordinal chr)  (or/c soundex-ordinal? #f)

  chr : char?
Yields the Soundex ordinal value of character chr, or #f if the character is not considered a letter.
> (soundex-ordinal #\a)
> (soundex-ordinal #\A)
> (soundex-ordinal #\Z)
> (soundex-ordinal #\3)
> (soundex-ordinal #\.)


(soundex-ordinal->char ord)  char?

  ord : soundex-ordinal?
Yields the upper-case letter character that corresponds to the character ordinal value ord. For example:
> (soundex-ordinal->char (soundex-ordinal #\a))
Note that a #f value as a result of applying soundex-ordinal is not an ordinal value, and is not mapped to a character by soundex-ordinal->char. For example:
> (soundex-ordinal->char (soundex-ordinal #\'))
  soundex-ordinal->char: contract violation, expected: soundex-ordinal?, given: #f


(soundex-code? x)  boolean?

  x : any/c
Predicate for whether or not x is a Soundex code.


(soundex-ordinal->soundex-code ord)  soundex-code?

  ord : soundex-ordinal?
Yields a library-specific Soundex code for character ordinal ord.
> (soundex-ordinal->soundex-code (soundex-ordinal #\a))
> (soundex-ordinal->soundex-code (soundex-ordinal #\c))
> (soundex-ordinal->soundex-code (soundex-ordinal #\N))
> (soundex-ordinal->soundex-code (soundex-ordinal #\w))
> (soundex-ordinal->soundex-code (soundex-ordinal #\y))


(char->soundex-code chr)  soundex-code?

  chr : char?
Yields a library-specific Soundex code for character chr. This is equivalent to:

(soundex-ordinal->soundex-code (soundex-ordinal chr))

3 Hashing

Soundex hashes of strings can be generated with soundex-nara, soundex-old, and soundex.


(soundex-nara str)  string?

  str : string?
(soundex-old str)  string?
  str : string?
(soundex str)  string?
  str : string?
Yields a Soundex hash key of string str, or #f if not even an initial letter could be found. soundex-nara generates NARA hashes,and soundex-old generates older-style hashes. soundex is an alias for soundex-nara.
> (soundex-nara "Ashcraft")
> (soundex-old  "Ashcraft")
> (soundex      "Ashcraft")
> (soundex      "")

4 Prefixing

Multiple Soundex hashes from a single string can be generated by soundex-nara/prefixing, soundex-old/prefixing, and soundex/p, which consider the string with and without various common surname prefixes.


(soundex-prefix-starts str)

  (listof exact-nonnegative-integer?)
  str : string?
Yields a list of Soundex start points in string str, as character index integers, for making hash keys with and without prefixes. A prefix must be followed by at least two letters, although they can be interspersed with non-letter characters. The exact behavior of this function is subject to change in future versions of this library.
> (soundex-prefix-starts "Smith")
> (soundex-prefix-starts "  Jones")
> (soundex-prefix-starts "vanderlinden")
  (0 3 6)
> (soundex-prefix-starts "van der linden")
  (0 3 7)
> (soundex-prefix-starts "")
> (soundex-prefix-starts "123")
> (soundex-prefix-starts "dea")
> (soundex-prefix-starts "dea ")
> (soundex-prefix-starts "dean")
> (soundex-prefix-starts "delasol")
  (0 2 3 4)


(soundex-nara/prefixing str)  (listof string?)

  str : string?
(soundex-old/prefixing str)  (listof string?)
  str : string?
(soundex/p str)  (listof string?)
  str : string?
Yields a list of zero or more Soundex hash keys from string str based on the whole string and the string with various prefixes skipped. All elements of the list are mutually unique. soundex-nara/prefixing generates NARA hashes, and soundex-old/prefixing generates older-style hashes. soundex/p is an alias for soundex-nara/prefixing.
> (soundex/p "Van Damme")
  ("V535" "D500")
> (soundex/p "vanvoom")
  ("V515" "V500")
> (soundex/p "vanvanvan")
> (soundex/p "DeLaSol")
  ("D424" "L240" "A240" "S400")
> (soundex/p "")

5 History

6 Legal

Copyright 2004, 2009, 2012, 2016 Neil Van Dyke. This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See for details. For other licenses and consulting, please contact the author.