Unified for Loop
1 Iterators
2 Accumulators
3 Extending for

Unified for Loop

Michael M. MacLeod <michaelmmacleod@gmail.com>

 (require unified-for) package: unified-for

This package consolidates the various Iteration and Comprehension Forms into a single for macro that compiles directly to efficient named let code. It also allows identifiers to be bound via match patterns.

Warning: this package is experimental and subject to breaking changes.


(for maybe-accumulator (loop-clause ...) body ...+)

maybe-accumulator = 
  | accumulator
  | (accumulator arg-form ...)
loop-clause = [match-pattern ...+ iterator-clause]
iterator-clause = iterator
  | (iterator arg-form ...)
Iteratively binds match-patterns with iterators, evaluates bodys, and collects the results with the accumulator. An accumulator or iterator with no subforms can be supplied without parentheses. The default accumulator is to-void.

All identifiers are bound via match patterns. Each pattern must successfully match, otherwise a exn:misc:match? exception is thrown.

> (for (to-fold [evens '()]
                [odds '()])
       ([x (from-range 10)])
    (if (even? x)
        (values (cons x evens) odds)
        (values evens (cons x odds))))

'(8 6 4 2 0)

'(9 7 5 3 1)

> (for ([key value (from-hash #hash((a . 0) (b . 1) (c . 2)))])
    (displayln (~a key ": " value)))

a: 0

c: 2

b: 1

> (for (to-vector #:length 3)
       ([(cons (? symbol? _)
               (app real-part y))
         (from-list '((k1 . 1+2i) (k2 . 2+3i) (k3 . 3+4i)))])

'#(1 2 3)

1 Iterators

An iterator is a Syntax Transformer for use in the iterator-clause of for. See Extending for on deriving new iterators.


(from-list lst)

  lst : list?
Iterates over a list?. Similar to in-list, except that from-list is legal only within for.

> (for ([x (from-list '(1 2 3 4 5))])
    (display x))



(from-vector vect)

  vect : vector?
Iterates over a vector?. Similar to in-vector, except that from-vector is legal only within for.

> (for ([x (from-vector #(1 2 3 4 5))])
    (display x))



(from-range option)

option = end-expr
  | start-expr end-expr
  | start-expr end-expr step-expr
  end-expr : real?
  start-expr : real?
  end-expr : real?
Iterates over a range of real? values from start (inclusive) until end (exclusive) by step. Similar to in-range, except that from-range is legal only within for.

If start-expr or step-expr are not provided, they are 0 and 1 respectively.

> (for ([x (from-range 5)])
    (display x))


> (for ([x (from-range 5 10)])
    (display x))


> (for ([x (from-range 10 0 -2)])
    (display x))



(from-naturals maybe-start)

maybe-start = 
  | start-expr
  maybe-start : exact-nonnegative-integer?
Iterates forever over natural? numbers beginning with start, or 0 if start is not supplied. Similar to in-naturals, except that from-naturals is legal only within for.

> (for ([index from-naturals]
        [v (from-list '(a b c d e f g))])
    (display (cons index v)))

(0 . a)(1 . b)(2 . c)(3 . d)(4 . e)(5 . f)(6 . g)

> (for ([index+1 (from-naturals 1)]
        [v (from-list '(a b c d e f g))])
    (display (cons index+1 v)))

(1 . a)(2 . b)(3 . c)(4 . d)(5 . e)(6 . f)(7 . g)


(from-hash hash-expr)

  hash-expr : hash?
Iterates over the keys and values of a hash?. Similar to in-hash, except that from-hash is legal only within for. Note that unlike for from racket/base, there must be no parentheses around the key and value match-patterns.

> (for ([key value (from-hash #hash((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)))])
    (display (cons key value)))

(a . 1)(c . 3)(b . 2)

2 Accumulators

An accumulator is a syntax transformer for use in the maybe-accumulator clause of for. See Extending for on deriving new accumulators.



Returns #<void>. Similar to for. The result of the for’s body clause is ignored. It is the default accumulator when none is supplied to for.

> (for to-void
       ([x (from-range 5)]
        [y (from-range 4 0 -1)])
    (define x+y (+ x y))
    (display x+y)


> (for ([x (from-range 5)]
        [y (from-range 4 0 -1)])
    (define x+y (+ x y))
    (display x+y)



(to-list maybe-reverse?)

maybe-reverse? = 
  | #:reverse? reverse?-expr
  reverse?-expr : boolean?
Accumulates elements into a list?. Similar to for/list.

If #:reverse? is not provided, or reverse?-expr evaluates to #t, to-list accumulates items like for/list. Otherwise, to-list returns items in the opposite order.

The to-list accumulator normally collects elements in reverse order by consing them together, then applying reverse to the result. With #:reverse? #f, to-list does not reverse the result. This can give better performance.

> (for to-list
       ([x (from-range 5)])
    (* x 2))

'(0 2 4 6 8)

> (for (to-list #:reverse? #f)
       ([x (from-range 5)])
    (* x 2))

'(8 6 4 2 0)


(to-vector length-option)

length-option = 
  | expandable-option
  | fixed-option
expandable-option = #:grow-from initial-capacity-expr
  | #:grow-from initial-capacity-expr #:by multiplier-expr
fixed-option = #:length length-expr
  | #:length length-expr #:fill fill-expr
  initial-capacity-expr : exact-positive-integer?
  length-expr : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  fill-expr : any/c
  multiplier-expr : (and/c exact-integer? (>/c 1))
Accumulates elements into a mutable vector?. Similar to for/vector.

If expandable-option is supplied, to-vector will copy the existing values to a fresh mutable vector? each time iteration exceeds its length. The size of the new vector is calculated as (* old-length multiplier-expr). The vector is trimmed to the correct size when iteration concludes.

When no arguments are supplied, to-vector uses the expandable-options #:grow-from 16 #:by 2.

> (for to-vector
       ([x (from-range 5)])
    (* x 2))

'#(0 2 4 6 8)

> (for (to-vector #:grow-from 1
                  #:by 3)
       ([x (from-range 5)])
    (* x 2))

'#(0 2 4 6 8)

If fixed-option is supplied, to-vector creates a single mutable vector?. Iteration is stopped as soon as the vector is completely filled. The length-expr option specifies the size of the vector, and fill-expr specifies what to place in the vector if it is not completely filled by iteration. By default, fill-expr is 0.

Supplying a length via #:length length-expr can be more efficient than the default behavior, since the accumulator will only ever create one vector.

> (for (to-vector #:length 10)
       ([x (from-range 5)])
    (* x 2))

'#(0 2 4 6 8 0 0 0 0 0)

> (for (to-vector #:length 10 #:fill #f)
       ([x (from-range 5)])
    (* x 2))

'#(0 2 4 6 8 #f #f #f #f #f)

> (for (to-vector #:length 5)
       ([x (from-range 10)])
    (display x)


'#(0 1 2 3 4)


(to-fold [arg-id init-expr] ... maybe-result)

maybe-result = 
  | #:result
  | result-form
  init-expr : any/c
Accumulates elements into any number of arg-ids. Similar to for/fold.

The init-exprs are evaluated and bound to arg-ids in the body forms of the for loop. The body of the for loop must evaluate to as many values as there are arg-ids. These values are then bound to each arg-id in the next iteration.

If result-form is supplied, it is evaluated at the end of iteration and its result returned. By default, result-form is (values arg-id ...).

> (for (to-fold [sum 0]
                #:result (* 2 sum))
       ([n (from-range 10)])
    (+ sum n))


> (for (to-fold [real-parts '()]
                [imag-parts '()])
       ([c (from-list '(1+1i 2+5i 4+2i 9+5i))])
    (values (cons (real-part c) real-parts)
            (cons (imag-part c) imag-parts)))

'(9 4 2 1)

'(5 2 5 1)

3 Extending for

Creating a new iterator or accumulator involves using define-syntax to make a Syntax Transformer that expands into a syntax list. It is similar to the process of using :do-in to extend the traditional for loop. The for macro local-expands each iterator and accumulator and splices their results into its own expansion.

  iterator = 
(([(outer-id ...) outer-expr] ...)
 (outer-check-expr ...)
 ([loop-id loop-expr] ...)
 ([(inner-id ...) inner-expr] ...)
 (loop-arg-expr ...))
  accumulator = 
(([(outer-id ...) outer-expr] ...)
 (outer-check ...)
 ([loop-id loop-expr] ...)
 ([(inner-id ...) inner-expr] ...)
 (body-result-id ...)
 (loop-arg-expr ...)

Both accumulators and iterators expand to similar forms. The first element, ([(outer-id ...) outer-expr] ...) specifies identifiers and expressions to be bound via let*-values outside the loop. This is useful when the iterator or accumulator needs to evaluate an expression only once. For example, to-vector with the #:fill option creates its vector? here.

The second element, (outer-check-expr ...), specifies a list of expressions which are evaluated for their side effects, after outer-ids are bound, and before the loop begins. This is useful for checking that all sub-forms of the iterator or accumulator are of valid types. For example, from-range uses this space to throw an exception if its sub-forms do not evaluate to real? numbers.

Next is ([loop-id loop-expr] ...). These identifiers are bound to their expressions at the start of the loop, once all outer-checks have been evaluated. Later, during the iteration of the for form, they are bound to the result of evaluating the loop-args. For example, the from-list iterator binds loop-id to the list? being iterated over. The to-fold accumulator uses these bindings to keep track of its arg-ids and their bindings.

The pos-guard-expr form is evaluated once at the beginning of each iteration of the loop. If it produces a #t value, the loop continues. Otherwise, iteration ends immediately, and the accumulator’s done-expr is returned. This form is useful for checking whether the sequence being iterated over is empty or not. For example, from-vector uses this space to ensure that the current index in the vector, which it bound as a loop-arg is less than its length. The from-naturals iterator expands here to #t its iteration is infinite.

After each pos-guard-expr is checked, ([(inner-id ...) inner-expr] ...) is bound via let*-values. This is useful for creating bindings that differ on each iteration, and happen before the evaluation of for’s bodys.

After inner-ids are bound, the pre-guard-expr is evaluated. If it produces a #t value, the loop continues. Otherwise, iteration ends immediately and the accumulator’s done-expr is returned. This can be useful for ending iteration based off of a value bound to an inner-id.

The next form is different for iterators and accumulators. For iterators, it is match-expr, and it specifies what expression to match against for’s match-patterns. For example, from-hash’s match-expr evaluates to two values, the current key and value of the hash? being iterated over. For accumulators, this form is (body-result-id ...). It specifies the identifiers to bind via let-values to the result of for’s bodys. The to-list accumulator supplies one identifier here, which it conses onto its loop-id in its loop-arg-expr.

Both iterators and accumulators then have a post-guard-expr. If post-guard-expr evaluates to a #t value, the loop continues. Otherwise, iteration ends immediately and the accumulator’s done-expr is returned. This can be useful for ending iteration based off of a value bound to a body-result-id in the case of accumulators, or a side effect of for’s bodys, in the case of iterators.

The (loop-arg-expr ...) form is then evaluated, and its result is bound to each loop-ids on the next iteration. An iterator, like from-vector, uses this form to step to the next element in the sequence, usually by adding 1 to an index, or using a cdr-like operation. An accumulator, like to-list, uses this form to add an element to its collection, usually the one bound by body-result-id.

Each accumulator must specify one more form, done-expr, which is evaluated and returned whenever any pos-guard-expr, pre-guard-expr, or post-gurd-expr returns a #f value. For example, to-list with #:reverse? #t uses this space to reverse the accumulated list bound to its loop-id.

Here is the full expansion of a for form, with one accumulator bound to a, and any number of iterators bound to (i ...).

(let*-values ([(a.outer-id ...) a.outer-expr] ...
              [(i.outer-id ...) i.outer-expr] ... ...)
  a.outer-check-expr ...
  i.outer-check-expr ... ...
  (let loop ([a.loop-id a.loop-expr] ...
             [i.loop-id i.loop-expr] ... ...)
    (if (and a.pos-guard-expr i.pos-guard-expr ...)
        (let*-values ([(a.inner-id ...) a.inner-expr] ...
                      [(i.inner-id ...) i.inner-expr] ... ...)
          (if (and a.pre-guard-expr i.pre-guard-expr ...)
              (let-values ([(a.body-result-id ...)
                                ([(pattern ...) i.match-expr] ...)
                             body ...)])
                (if (and a.post-guard-expr i.post-guard-expr ...)
                    (loop a.loop-arg-expr ... i.loop-arg-expr ... ...)

> (require (for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse)
           (prefix-in u: unified-for))
> (define-syntax (from-vector stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ v:expr)
       #`(([(vect) v]
            #,(syntax/loc #'v
                (vector-length vect))])
          ([pos 0])
          (< pos len)
          (vector-ref vect pos)
          ((add1 pos)))]))
> (u:for ([x (from-vector #(0 1 2 3 4 5))])
    (display x))


> (u:for ([x (from-vector 'not-a-vector)])
    (display x))

vector-length: contract violation

  expected: vector?

  given: 'not-a-vector

> (define-syntax (to-fold stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_ [arg:id val:expr] ...+)
       #'(to-fold [arg val] ... #:result (values arg ...))]
      [(_ [arg:id val:expr] ...+ #:result result:expr)
       (with-syntax ([(last-body ...) (generate-temporaries #'([arg val] ...))])
            ([arg val] ...)
            (last-body ...)
            (last-body ...)
> (u:for (to-fold [factorial 1])
         ([x (u:from-range 1 10)])
    (* factorial x))


> (define-syntax (to-void stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
       #'(() () () #t () #t (_) #t () (void))]))
> (u:for to-void
         ([x (u:from-range 5)])
    (display x))