Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • drb/drb.rb


Public Class Methods

add_protocol(prot) click to toggle source

Add a new protocol to the DRbProtocol module.

               # File drb/drb.rb, line 716
def add_protocol(prot)
open(uri, config, first=true) click to toggle source

Open a client connection to uri with the configuration config.

The DRbProtocol module asks each registered protocol in turn to try to open the URI. Each protocol signals that it does not handle that URI by raising a DRbBadScheme error. If no protocol recognises the URI, then a DRbBadURI error is raised. If a protocol accepts the URI, but an error occurs in opening it, a DRbConnError is raised.

               # File drb/drb.rb, line 728
def open(uri, config, first=true)
  @protocol.each do |prot|
      return prot.open(uri, config)
    rescue DRbBadScheme
    rescue DRbConnError
      raise(DRbConnError, "#{uri} - #{$!.inspect}")
  if first && (config[:auto_load] != false)
    auto_load(uri, config)
    return open(uri, config, false)
  raise DRbBadURI, 'can\t parse uri:' + uri
open_server(uri, config, first=true) click to toggle source

Open a server listening for connections at uri with configuration config.

The DRbProtocol module asks each registered protocol in turn to try to open a server at the URI. Each protocol signals that it does not handle that URI by raising a DRbBadScheme error. If no protocol recognises the URI, then a DRbBadURI error is raised. If a protocol accepts the URI, but an error occurs in opening it, the underlying error is passed on to the caller.

               # File drb/drb.rb, line 756
def open_server(uri, config, first=true)
  @protocol.each do |prot|
      return prot.open_server(uri, config)
    rescue DRbBadScheme
  if first && (config[:auto_load] != false)
    auto_load(uri, config)
    return open_server(uri, config, false)
  raise DRbBadURI, 'can\t parse uri:' + uri
uri_option(uri, config, first=true) click to toggle source

Parse uri into a [uri, option] pair.

The DRbProtocol module asks each registered protocol in turn to try to parse the URI. Each protocol signals that it does not handle that URI by raising a DRbBadScheme error. If no protocol recognises the URI, then a DRbBadURI error is raised.

               # File drb/drb.rb, line 777
def uri_option(uri, config, first=true)
  @protocol.each do |prot|
      uri, opt = prot.uri_option(uri, config)
      # opt = nil if opt == ''
      return uri, opt
    rescue DRbBadScheme
  if first && (config[:auto_load] != false)
    auto_load(uri, config)
    return uri_option(uri, config, false)
  raise DRbBadURI, 'can\t parse uri:' + uri

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